Earth-facing sunspot 1356 harbors energy for M-class solar flares

Earth-facing sunspot 1356 harbors energy for M-class solar flares

Earth-facing sunspot 1356 has developed a “beta-gamma” magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class solar flares. NOAA forecasters estimate a 30% chance of such an eruption during the next 24 hours.A bright Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is seen in the latest Lasco

Filament eruption causing CME

Filament eruption causing CME

A possible filament eruption in the northwest quadrant on Sunday has generated a slow moving Coronal Mass Ejection (CME). You can watch the STEREO Ahead COR2 movie below and it looks like a portion of this cloud may be Earth directed. Stay tuned for more

Phobos-Grunt probe to re-purpose to fly to Moon or asteroids?!

Phobos-Grunt probe to re-purpose to fly to Moon or asteroids?!

If communication with Russia’s troubled Phobos-Grunt is not established by November 21, the window for a trajectory to the Martian moon Phobos, will close, experts say. But Russian space expert Igor Lisov suggested that Phobos-Grunt could be sent to orbit the Moon

Antarctic solar eclipse on November 25, 2011

Antarctic solar eclipse on November 25, 2011

On November 25th the Moon will pass in front of the sun, slightly off-center, producing a partial solar eclipse visible from Antarctica, Tasmania, and parts of South Africa and New Zealand. Maximum coverage occurs about 100 miles off the coast of Antarctica where the su

Leonid meteor shower peaked with a maximum rate of ~18 meteors per hour

Leonid meteor shower peaked with a maximum rate of ~18 meteors per hour

According to the International Meteor Organization, this year’s Leonid meteor shower peaked on Nov. 18th with a maximum rate of ~18 meteors per hour. That’s not many (especially compared to the Leonid storms of a decade ago), but sometimes just one Leonid can be

Phobos-Grunt and  Living Interplanetary Flight Experiment or “LIFE”

Phobos-Grunt and Living Interplanetary Flight Experiment or “LIFE”

Phobos-Grunt is the first Russian-led interplanetary mission since the failed Mars 96. The spacecraft is also carrying the Chinese Mars orbiter Yinghuo-1 and the tiny Living Interplanetary Flight Experiment funded by the Planetary Society.Lift-off occurred

2011 Leonid meteor shower

2011 Leonid meteor shower

Earth is passing through the debris field of Comet Tempel-Tuttle, parent of the annual Leonid meteor shower. Barring a direct hit by a filament of dust, which forecasters consider unlikely, this year’s shower should be mild. Peak rates of 10 to 20 meteors per hour are

Another Venus-directed CME

Another Venus-directed CME

A magnetic prominence dancing along the sun’s southeastern limb became unstable on Nov. 15th and slowly erupted. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the coronal mass ejection (CME), which unfolded over a period of thirteen hours: The eruption hurled a cloud

Pair of M-Class flares and eruption filament

Pair of M-Class flares and eruption filament

A pair of M-Class flares took place on Tuesday morning. The first one registered M1.2 and was centered around Sunspot 1348 which is located near the northwest limb. The second event at 12:43 UTC peaked at M1.9 and was located around Sunspot 1346 in the southern

Phobos-Grunt uncontrolled reentry

Phobos-Grunt uncontrolled reentry

Phobos-Grunt, the Russian interplanetary mission is coming back little to early. Following a successful launch from Russia’s Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan and the subsequent separation of the Phobos-Grunt probe from its booster rocket on Wednesday morning, its