Asteroid 2005 YU55 facts & figures

Asteroid 2005 YU55 facts & figures

Ok, people. We survived flyby of most popular "doomsday" Comet Elenin, now we facing another potential threat. Scientists assure us that we have nothing to worry about. Asteroid 2005 YU55 is the third close fly-by of a large asteroid to the Earth this year.

Big sunspot starting to release X-class solar flares

Big sunspot starting to release X-class solar flares

NOAA forecasters have upgraded the chance of X-class solar flares today to 20%. The source would be AR1339, one of the biggest sunspots in many years. The active region rotated over the sun’s eastern limb two days ago and now it is turning toward Earth.The Radio

Large sunspot group harbors energy for M-class solar flares

Large sunspot group harbors energy for M-class solar flares

A large sunspot group is rotating over the sun’s northeastern limb, possibly signaling an uptick in solar activity. Measuring some 40,000 km wide and at least twice that in length, the behemoth active region is an easy target for backyard solar

NASA conference about asteroid 2005 YU55 close flyby + Live stream!

NASA conference about asteroid 2005 YU55 close flyby + Live stream!

NASA scientists will have a unique observing opportunity with asteroid 2005 YU55, as the space rock “safely flies past Earth” at a distance slightly closer than the moon on Nov. 8, 2011.At the point of closest approach, the asteroid will be no closer than 201,700

Minor geomagnetic storm subsiding

Minor geomagnetic storm subsiding

The solar wind was at increased levels Tuesday morning and combined with a south tilting Bz, it stirred up a minor geomagnetic storm at high latitudes. Things have since returned to quieter levels.Solar activity increased to moderate levels Monday with three M-Class

Jupiter in opposition closeup and a transiting Great Red Spot

Jupiter in opposition closeup and a transiting Great Red Spot

Jupiter has been putting on quite a show in the night sky lately as it officially reached opposition on October 28, 2011, making it a target of many astrophotographers as the gas giant shows itself off big and bright in the night sky. This animation from amateur

Three M-class solar flares at northeast limb

Three M-class solar flares at northeast limb

An M1.1 Solar Flare peaked at 15:08 UTC Monday morning and was centered around a new region located on the Northeast Limb. Stay Tuned for increasing solar activity.The second and third M-Class Flares of the day has taken place around the new region hiding on the

Bright spot spotted on Uranus

Bright spot spotted on Uranus

According to various sources, a bright spot – possibly a developing storm – has been spotted on Uranus.Professional observers on October 27 reported a very bright cloud on Uranus, using the Gemini telescope, and need amateur confirmation if possible, to obta

Solar cycle 24 on its way

Solar cycle 24 on its way

Science has only just begun to understand how cyclical changes in the Sun effect Earth’s weather and climate. But the more technological human society grows, the more vulnerable we may become.Activity on the Sun is due to reach its peak around early 2014, so expect

Jupiter at opposition to the Sun

Jupiter at opposition to the Sun

Jupiter will take center stage in the sky this month as it nears opposition to the sun. At opposition, expected on Oct. 29, Jupiter shines opposite the sun in our sky.  Jupiter will rise in the eastern sky at sunset, stay out all night long and set in the west at