Magnitude 6.0 earthquake hit Kuril Islands

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake hit Kuril Islands

Strong earthquake measuring M6.0 hit Kuril Islands on September 09, 2012 at 05:39:20 UTC. The epicenter was located 141 km (87 miles) SSW of Severo-Kuril’sk, Russia (49.429°N, 155.537°E) at depth of 58.7 km (36.5 miles) according to USGS.EMSC recorded magnitude

Strong swarm of earthquakes continue on Kuril Islands

Strong swarm of earthquakes continue on Kuril Islands

July 20th did not start so well for Kuril Islands. On July 15 we reported swarm of earthquakes on Kuril Island for seventh day in a row (link here), while it showed less activity for last couple of days today we had 5 strong ones again. The strongest one was reported

Swarm of strong earthquakes – Kuril Islands

Swarm of strong earthquakes – Kuril Islands

For the seventh day in a row a swarm of earthquakes continues near Kuril Islands, Russia/Japan. The latest one was measured with magnitude 5.5 according to EMSC – July 15, 2012, 14:34 UTC. Recorded depth was 80km. USGS recorded magnitude 5.3 for the same earthquake and