Research voyage reveals formation of Earth’s hidden continent Zealandia

Research voyage reveals formation of Earth’s hidden continent Zealandia

Newly published evidence reveals that Earth's hidden continent Zealandia– which stretches across 5 million km2 (2 million mi2) beneath the southwest Pacific Ocean– was shaped by two tectonic events. First, it was ripped away from Australia and Antarctica and…

Scientists identify a new continent and name it Zealandia

Scientists identify a new continent and name it Zealandia

Scientists have identified a new continent in the southwest Pacific Ocean recently, formerly a part of Gondwana, and named it Zealandia. Basically, from a well-reasoned geoscience perspective, Earth has well-established continents, but also an extra one, mostly…

Scientists found ‘lost continent’ under Mauritius

Scientists found ‘lost continent’ under Mauritius

An international team of scientists has confirmed the existence of a 'lost continent' under the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius that was left-over by the break-up of the supercontinent, Gondwana, which started about 200 million years ago. The piece of…

Two sunken islands discovered near Australia

Two sunken islands discovered near Australia

In the remote waters of the Indian Ocean, west of Perth, scientists have just discovered two sunken islands, almost the size of Tasmania, which were once part of the supercontinent Gondwana. The islands were found during a three-week voyage to map the seafloor of…