Strong activity seen at Sakurajima volcano

Strong activity seen at Sakurajima volcano

Strong activity is seen again at Showa crater on Sakurajima volcano. People reporting a few big explosions. For now there is no further information but we bring you a few webcams and earthquake reports from Japan Meteorological Agency. Tokyo Volcanic Ash Advisory

Indonesian Mt.Lokon volcano erupts after red alert warning

Indonesian Mt.Lokon volcano erupts after red alert warning

An Indonesian volcano erupted late Thursday, spewing rocks, lava and ash hundreds of metres into the air, an official said, three days after its alert status was raised to the highest level.There has been a significant rise in volcanic activity at Mount Lokon on

Volcanoes could trigger bigger climate impact than thought

Volcanoes could trigger bigger climate impact than thought

Volcanic eruptions might affect Earth’s climate more than thought by releasing far more weather-altering particles than scientists’ suspected, new research finds.To help tease out the influence of volcanoes on global climate, researchers investigated the huge

Underwater Antarctic volcanoes discovered in the Southern Ocean

Underwater Antarctic volcanoes discovered in the Southern Ocean

Scientists from British Antarctic Survey (BAS) have discovered previously unknown volcanoes in the ocean waters around the remote South Sandwich Islands.Using ship-borne sea-floor mapping technology during research cruises onboard the RRS James Clark Ross, the

Ash from Mount Etna closes Italian airport

Ash from Mount Etna closes Italian airport

A southern Italian airport was on Saturday closed due to ash from Mount Etna, forcing traffic to be diverted to Palermo, the ANSA news agency said. Catania airport on the east coast of the island of Sicily was not expected to re-open before Sunday morning while the

Katla melting ice cap – causing flooding near the volcano

Katla melting ice cap – causing flooding near the volcano

A massive flood of meltwater poured out of Iceland’s Myrdalsjoekull glacier Saturday, raising fears of an eruption from the powerful Katla volcano underneath, but experts said a large blast was unlikely.The flooding sparked fears of an eruption at Katla, known to

Hotspots driving tectonic plate movement

Hotspots driving tectonic plate movement

Plate tectonics has been on the curriculum for a while now. Most people are fairly familiar with the theory; the Earth's crust – or lithosphere – is broken up into different plates which move around on the very hot, viscous substance beneath.This movement is driven

Scientists warn volcanoes in Australia are due to erupt

Scientists warn volcanoes in Australia are due to erupt

Scientists are now warning that volcanoes in Western Victoria and South Australia are due to erupt. The prediction comes just hours after two earthquakes hit the state this morning.Using new dating techniques, University of Melbourne scientists have found that the