New study reveals widespread risk of infectious diseases to wild bees

New study reveals widespread risk of infectious diseases to wild bees

Researchers have discovered a network of viruses, which were previously associated with managed honeybees, may now pose a widespread risk to bumblebees in the wild, according to a new study published today in the Journal of Animal Ecology.The study revealed multiple int

The story of honeybees and their importance in sustaining life

The story of honeybees and their importance in sustaining life

They are an amazing and highly beneficial insect species that quite literally underpins the sustenance of life as we know it on planet earth. But honeybees are increasingly threatened by an onslaught of harmful influences, not the least of which includes the

New study suggests severe deficits in UK honeybee numbers

New study suggests severe deficits in UK honeybee numbers

A study published by the University of Reading’s Centre for Agri Environmental Research suggests that honeybees may not be as important to pollination services in the UK than previously supposed. The research was published in the Journal Agriculture, Ecosystems and