Lessons from Fukushima: new Greenpeace report on nuclear risks

Lessons from Fukushima: new Greenpeace report on nuclear risks

It has been almost 12 months since the Fukushima nuclear disaster began. The nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi plant that began unfolding on March 11, 2011 is the biggest since the Chernobyl disaster of 1986. Although the Great Tohoku earthquake and the

Shocking levels of arsenic found in baby formula made with brown rice syrup

Shocking levels of arsenic found in baby formula made with brown rice syrup

Think baby formula with brown rice syrup is the healthier choice? Think again: infant formula made with brown rice syrup may contain 30 times more arsenic than other formulas, according to a new study from Dartmouth College.Environmental chemist Brian P. Jackson led

Children’s medicines coated with brain-damaging aluminum

Aluminum Lake food coloring, used to heavily coat liquid medicines for children, contains dangerous amounts of aluminum and harmful synthetic petrochemicals. These “petrochemicals” are carcinogens containing petroleum, antifreeze and ammonia, which cause a long

Why pineal gland and mental health are most important in these times

Why pineal gland and mental health are most important in these times

Clean pineal gland and strong mental health are most important to tell the truth from the lies and take control of your life back to your own hands. While we spend our days being manipulated slaves, science and spirituality are joining up and offering us clues….

The end of antibiotics and the rise of Iodine as an effective alternative

The end of antibiotics and the rise of Iodine as an effective alternative

Eventually antibiotics are going to be seen as one of the worst things to ever come out of pharmaceutical science because in the end, they have made us only weaker in the face of ever increasingly strong super bugs that are resistant to all the antibiotics doctors have