How to detox aluminum and why it’s necessary

How to detox aluminum and why it’s necessary

We are in the “Age of Aluminum”, this according to a lecture by Dr. Chris Exley, PhD at a January 2011 vaccine safety conference in Jamaica. A common expression among those who deflect aluminum’s toxicity issues is that aluminum is prominent throughout the earth’s

Safely avoid and remove dangerous man-made fluoride

Safely avoid and remove dangerous man-made fluoride

The Nazis used fluoride to dumb down the population and make it more docile and subservient. Besides being one of the most potent rat poisons, fluoride is also one of the basic ingredients in both Prozac (FLUoxetene Hydrochloride) and Sarin nerve gas

Flame retardant chemical found in US soft drinks

Flame retardant chemical found in US soft drinks

A substance patented as a flame retardant and banned as a food ingredient throughout Europe and in Japan is present in 10% of all soft drinks in the US. The December 12, 2011 issue of Environmental Health News reviews the history of this toxic ingredient, including the

Marijuana cannabinoids – oral and transdermal methods

Marijuana cannabinoids – oral and transdermal methods

The research indicates that cannabinoids hold the secret to helping heal many of the chronic diseases we are facing. From cancer to diabetes, and from autism to Alzheimer’s, medical marijuana helps, and sometimes dramatically so. Cannabinoid medicine holds a great

Europe must take action to prevent continued measles outbreak in 2012

Europe must take action to prevent continued measles outbreak in 2012

Measles, a highly infectious vaccine-preventable disease, remains one of the leading causes of childhood mortality, leading to an estimated 450 deaths each day worldwide. Rubella is an infection that is usually mild when experienced in childhood, but it can often

BASF tries (again) to push ‘Frankenpotatoes’ on Europe

BASF tries (again) to push ‘Frankenpotatoes’ on Europe

Europeans have made it abundantly clear time and time again that they want nothing to do with genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). But chemical giant BASF refuses to take no for an answer, and is once again pushing for EU approval of a “Frankenpotato” known as

Zimbabwe bans 40 water bottling companies

Zimbabwe bans 40 water bottling companies

Goverment of Zimbabwe has banned 40 water bottling firms for failing to meet safety and quality standards. This follows an influx of bottled water suppliers in response to a surge in demand. Acting Secretary for Health and Child Welfare Dr Davis Dhlakama said only

Quantum Healing: An Introduction

Quantum Healing: An Introduction

Perhaps it is best to introduce quantum healing from the viewpoint of Deepak Chopra, who has literally written the book on the subject. Chopra was a Western-trained physician who was unsatisfied with what western doctors and nurses had to offer the patient. Chopra