Spectacular cloud iridescence seen above Himalaya

Spectacular cloud iridescence seen above Himalaya

Daily Mail brings a story about Oleg Bartunov, 51, who caught the optical spectacle on camera during a Himalayas expedition in Nepal. His two images show almost the whole spectrum of the rainbow in a natural event rarely recorded at Mount Everest. The phenomenon

Halo phenomena appears around sun seen in Ghana

Halo phenomena appears around sun seen in Ghana

Ghanaians were held spellbound when the halo phenomenon emerged in the skies late Wednesday morning. Hundreds of people stepped out of their offices to take pictures of the celestial wonders. Onlookers believed it was signs of the last days.However, meteorologists

The scientists are puzzled with phenomenon of “Two Suns”

The scientists are puzzled with phenomenon of “Two Suns”

Over 80% of all solar systems have multiple suns, so is it possible that we live in a binary solar system with two suns as well? Recent discoveries point to the existence of an old brown dwarf. Our solar system is surrounded by a vast collection of icy bodies called…