Planetary wave supercharging noctilucent clouds over Antarctica

Planetary wave supercharging noctilucent clouds over Antarctica

An atmospheric wave about half as wide as the Earth is supercharging noctilucent clouds (NLCs) in the southern hemisphere, with NASA's Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) spacecraft detecting the phenomenon in this series of south polar images from November…

Noctilucent clouds blanket Antarctica

Noctilucent clouds blanket Antarctica

NASA's AIM spacecraft is monitoring a 4 800-km wide (3000 miles) ring of noctilucent clouds circling high above Antarctica. The 2018 southern hemisphere noctilucent season began on November 21, said Cora Randall, a member of the AIM science team at the…

2017 Noctilucent cloud chasing season teaser – 4K (UHD) time-lapse, Denmark

2017 Noctilucent cloud chasing season teaser – 4K (UHD) time-lapse, Denmark

As the Earth continues its path on its elliptical orbit around the Sun, high latitudes and higher mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere are entering the midnight Sun season. If you go too far up north, the Sun never sets, but at a lower latitude, like southern…