Greenland’s glacier meltdown gives new insight for rising sea level

Greenland’s glacier meltdown gives new insight for rising sea level

Greenland’s contribution to rising sea level in the 21st century might be significantly less than the upper limits some scientists thought possible, a new study shows. Data shows a 30% speed-up in 10 years on average. With faster movements of the glaciers, ice and

Iceberg PII-A splits in two off Newfoundland

Iceberg PII-A splits in two off Newfoundland

Over a year ago, on August 5, 2010, the Petermann Glacier on the northwestern coast of Greenland calved a very large ice island. About a month later, the ice island, estimated at that time as about four times the size of Manhattan, collided with an island and broke

Melting glaciers alter Earth’s gravity

Melting glaciers alter Earth’s gravity

Melting glaciers can alter Earth’s gravity field, scientists have found, a discovery that is shedding light on when Greenland and Antarctica began heavily melting. Knowing the timing of this melting could help climate scientists make better estimates of the potential

Large variations in Arctic sea ice

Large variations in Arctic sea ice

For the last 10,000 years, summer sea ice in the Arctic Ocean has been far from constant. For several thousand years, there was much less sea ice in The Arctic Ocean – probably less than half of current amounts. This is indicated by new findings by the Danish National

New York ‘at risk’ as seas rise

New York ‘at risk’ as seas rise

New York is a major loser and Reykjavik a winner from new forecasts of sea level rise in different regions.The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said in 2007 that sea levels would rise at least 28cm (1ft) by the year 2100. But this is a global average;