Full Halo CME + Proton Flare / Solar Watch Nov 27, 2011 (Video)

Full Halo CME + Proton Flare / Solar Watch Nov 27, 2011 (Video)

Full Halo CME / S1 Minor Radiation Storm:At 07:00 UT, a magnetic filament exploded in the northwest quadrant of the solar corona, causing a powerful Coronal Mass Ejection. Analysis of the Lasco C2 and in the latest STEREO Ahead/Behind COR2 images, it does appear

Geomagnetic storm in progress

Geomagnetic storm in progress

As predicted by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, a coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field at ~03:30 UT on Sept 17th. The impact sparked a moderate geomagnetic storm (in progress) and auroras around the Arctic Circle. High-latitude sky watch

Solar radio bursts

Solar radio bursts

This week's sharp increase in solar activity has turned the Sun into a radio transmitter. Bursts of shortwave static are coming from the unstable magnetic canopy of sunspot 1283. Yesterday in New Mexico, amateur radio astronomer Thomas Ashcraft recorded some…