Spectacular signals recorded from Chelyabinsk meteor blast waves

Spectacular signals recorded from Chelyabinsk meteor blast waves

The Chelyabinsk meteor exploded in the atmosphere over Russia at approximately 9:20 am local time on February 15, 2013. The meteor flew out of the blue, literally from the direction of the Sun where no telescope could see it, and took everyone by surprise. The blast…

Impulsive M1.2 solar flare erupted from Region 1686

Impulsive M1.2 solar flare erupted from Region 1686

An impulsive M-class solar flare measuring M1.2 erupted from Region 1686 on March 5, 2013. The event started at 07:47, peaked at 07:54 and ended at 07:59 UTC. A Type II Radio Emission was associated. Type II emissions occur in association with eruptions on the Sun

Ancient micro-continent found under the Indian Ocean

Ancient micro-continent found under the Indian Ocean

Scientists at the University of Liverpool have found evidence of an ancient micro-continent buried beneath the Indian Ocean which formed in the last 16 millions years. This ancient precambrian continent, named Mauritia, extends more than 1500 km in length from the

Stunning views of Venus through Saturn’s rings

Stunning views of Venus through Saturn’s rings

The international Cassini spacecraft took amazing images of Venus shining through Saturn’s rings. Venus and Saturn are about 1,321,200,000 km (820,955,619 miles or 8.83 astronomical units) apart on average. Venus is brighter in Saturn’s skies than Earth is,

Researchers demonstrate algorithm for practical quantum computing

Researchers demonstrate algorithm for practical quantum computing

In a major advancement in quantum computing, for the first time researchers successfully demonstrated a quantum algorithm that performs a true calculation. Quantum circuit built for this demonstration didn’t require knowing answer in advance, hence did a true

Full-halo Coronal Mass Ejection on farside of the Sun

Full-halo Coronal Mass Ejection on farside of the Sun

Region 1678 erupted with massive, full-halo, Coronal Mass Ejection around 04:00 UTC on March 5, 2013. The CME will have no effect on Earth as Region 1678 is on farside of the Sun. This old and active region is about to rotate onto the eastern limb by this

Weather modification – Avoiding floods by “cloud seeding”, Indonesia

Weather modification – Avoiding floods by “cloud seeding”, Indonesia

Cloud seeding, a weather modification technique, is commonly used to encourage rainfall in arid regions by dispersing substances into the air. But Indonesian government is using it to avoid further floods by redirecting rain to the ocean and claims their attempt has

Voyager – Grow through life

Voyager – Grow through life

All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.
Bill Hicks

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