Total lunar eclipse on April 4, 2015

Total lunar eclipse on April 4, 2015

A total lunar eclipse will occur on April 4, 2015. This is the shortest total lunar eclipse of the century and third of four total lunar eclipses separated by approximately 6 months, a rare phenomenon astronomers call a 'tetrad.' The first two were on April 15 a

Total lunar eclipse on Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Total lunar eclipse on Wednesday, October 8, 2014

he second total lunar lunar eclipse of 2014 and 2015 lunar-eclipse tetrad will occur on Wednesday, October 8, 2014, and will be visible from the Pacific Ocean and regions immediately bordering it. As the Moon passes completely through the Earth's dark shadow, or

Night sky guide for October 2014

Night sky guide for October 2014

A total lunar eclipse will be visible on October 8 throughout most of North America, South America, Asia, and Australia. The Moon will gradually get darker and then take on a rusty or blood red color. It is the latter of two total lunar eclipses in 2014, and the second

Watch total lunar eclipse of April 15th LIVE

Watch total lunar eclipse of April 15th LIVE

During the early hours of April 15, 2014 (UTC time) the full Moon will pass directly through Earth’s dark shadow, or umbra, setting an impressive total lunar eclipse. The Moon will gradually get darker and then take on a rusty or blood red color. It

Night sky guide for April 2014

Night sky guide for April 2014

April brings us several interesting events. It is a good month for eclipses and also the month when meteor activity picks up a bit as the Lyrids meteor shower become active. Earth and Mars will be at their minimum distance of 99 million km on April 14 but any

2011 Total lunar eclipse – Guide for skywatchers!

2011 Total lunar eclipse – Guide for skywatchers!

The last  full Moon in 2011 will glide through the earth shadow producing a total lunar eclipse visible from the Pacific side of our planet.  The last eclipse of 2011 is a total lunar eclipse that takes place at the Moon’s descending node in eastern Taurus, four days

Total lunar eclipse on June 15th!

Total lunar eclipse on June 15th!

We’re in the midst of an interesting eclipse trifecta. Partial solar eclipses occur during the New Moons on June 1st and July 1st, which are sandwiched around a total lunar eclipse during the Full Moon on June 15th. Those of you in Europe and elsewhere in the