The fastest way to get early warnings for solar flares; GOES-U launches into space

The fastest way to get early warnings for solar flares; GOES-U launches into space

The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-U (GOES-U) was successfully launched on June 25, 2024, from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. This marks the completion of the Extreme Ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Sensors (EXIS) program, led by the University of Colorado Boulder’s LASP, enhancing space weather monitoring.

Oil spill from Tobago spreads over 160 km towards Grenada’s marine area

Oil spill from Tobago spreads over 160 km towards Grenada’s marine area

Satellite images from the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission have revealed the scale of an oil spill off Trinidad and Tobago’s coast, following The Gulfstream shipwreck. The spill has extended over 160 km (100 miles) westwards, threatening neighboring marine areas.

High-resolution satellite images of the port city of Derna after massive floods, Libya

High-resolution satellite images of the port city of Derna after massive floods, Libya

Derna, a northeastern Libyan town, grappled with catastrophic flooding after Medicane “Marquesa” made landfall on September 10, 2023. The subsequent deluge, equivalent to several months of rain in just a day, resulted in extensive damage and a rising death toll, with thousands still missing.

Decades-long growing rift in Brunt Ice Shelf finally breaks, creating new iceberg, Antarctica

Decades-long growing rift in Brunt Ice Shelf finally breaks, creating new iceberg, Antarctica

On January 22, 2023, a massive rift on the Brunt Ice Shelf in Antarctica finally gave way, resulting in the formation of a new iceberg measuring 1 550 km2 (~600 mi2). The U.S. National Ice Center has named it Iceberg A-81. The rift, spanning most of the Brunt Ice Shelf in Antarctica, appeared ready to spawn an iceberg in 2019, posing an uncertain future for scientific infrastructure and a human presence on the shelf that was first established in 1955 by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS).

Magma rising at Great Sitkin volcano, Alaska

Magma rising at Great Sitkin volcano, Alaska

A lava dome-like feature formed in the summit crater of Great Sitkin volcano, Alaska, suggesting magma is rising near the surface. As a result, the Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) has raised the Aviation Color Code to ORANGE and the Volcano Alert Level to WATCH. A…