New theories about nature of Earth’s iron

New theories about nature of Earth’s iron

In a study published March 20, 2017 in Nature Communications, an international team of scientists challenges the prevailing theory that the unique nature of Earth’s iron was the result of how its core was formed billions of years ago. The study opens the door…

Mud volcanoes that arose from ocean emitting methane in Pakistan

Mud volcanoes that arose from ocean emitting methane in Pakistan

Last yearone-square-kilometre island that emerged off the Makran coast, near the point where the Hingol River drains into the sea, in Pakistan.  Scientists collected samples. Studying the water and sediment samples  scientists found well-preserved shells of certain

Heavy metal in and around the lakes

Heavy metal in and around the lakes

Heavy metal pollution of lakes has a seriously detrimental impact on people and ecosystems that rely on such bodies of water. According to a study published in the current issue of Interdisciplinary Environmental Review, researchers have focused on the physicochemical