Fukushima leaking radioactive materials directly into the ocean

Fukushima leaking radioactive materials directly into the ocean

Breaking news from Tokyo, Japan confirms that levels of cancer-causing cesium-134 are showing up in groundwater samples at rates 90- 110 times higher than all previous readings at the Fukushima disaster zone. The announcements are coming from the Tokyo Electric Power

Louisiana sinkhole swallowed 25 more trees and well pad access ramp

Louisiana sinkhole swallowed 25 more trees and well pad access ramp

According to the Assumption Parish Police Jury, giant Louisiana sinkhole swallowed 25 trees and a well pad access ramp, so now the collapsed area grew to 13 acres in size. The Office of Conservation, in consultation with Assumption Parish Police

Europe's fish stocks at serious risk

Europe's fish stocks at serious risk

More than half the fish consumed in the European Union today comes from imports. The EU hopes that radical reforms to its system of fishing quotas could restore European fisheries by 2020. However, experts are concerned that politicians could yet ignore scientific

Oil showdown in the Amazon – Big threat to Ecuador’s ecosystem

Oil showdown in the Amazon – Big threat to Ecuador’s ecosystem

There’s an indigenous community in Ecuador that lives in a part of the Amazon where there are jaguars and more animal life than the whole of North America! It’s an incredibly pristine, remote area and the whole ecosystem has been preserved. But the government is

Overexploiting of “charcoal” forests in Madagascar

Overexploiting of “charcoal” forests in Madagascar

Madagascar has seen a 10 percent increase in temperature and a 10% decrease in rainfall in the past 50 years, with a devastating impact on the farming and fishing communities, according to the World Bank report. People are facing chronic hunger and high rates of

New flyover videos confirmed new large Louisiana sinkhole collapse

New flyover videos confirmed new large Louisiana sinkhole collapse

Disturbing new flyover videos of Louisiana sinkhole showed the amount of land collapsed has increased in size. Last measurements show that the surface of the sinkhole area was 5.5 acres, or equivalent of five football fields.  Based on John Boudreaux, director

Hope for disappearing Aral Sea

Hope for disappearing Aral Sea

The Aral Sea was once the world’s fourth largest lake or inland sea – a rich haven for fish, birds and other wildlife. The Aral Sea began to shrink in the 1960s, when massive diversion of water for cotton and rice cultivation under the Soviet Union drained the two

Ground under Fukushima Unit 4 sinking, structure on verge of complete collapse

Ground under Fukushima Unit 4 sinking, structure on verge of complete collapse

Though the mainstream media has long since abandoned the issue, the precarious situation at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility in Japan is only continuing to worsen, according to a prominent Japanese official. During a recent interview, Mitsuhei Murata, the