
Violent M7.2 earthquake in Haiti claims 2 189 lives, leaves 332 missing, 12 268 injured and 129 959 homes damaged or destroyed


2 189 people have been killed and 12 268 others injured after a violent M7.2 earthquake1 struck Haiti at 12:29 UTC on August 14, 2021, the Haitian Civil Protection Agency (DPC) said at 02:19 UTC on August 19.

1 832 people were killed in the South, 218 in Grand'Anse, 137 in Nippes, and 2 in the North-West.

12 268 people were injured — 9 158 in the South, 1 652 in Grand'Anse, and 1 458 in Nippes.

332 are still missing.

At least 129 959 homes were damaged or destroyed. 30 122 destroyed and 42 737 damaged in the South department, 14 348 destroyed and 14 898 damaged in Nippes, and 8 483 destroyed and 19 371 damaged in Grand'Anse.

In addition, hospitals, schools, offices, and churches were also destroyed or badly damaged.2

"We are working now to ensure that the resources we have are going to get to the places that are hardest hit," DPC head Jerry Chandler told AP.

A hospital in southwestern Haiti was so overwhelmed with patients that many had to lie in patios, corridors, verandas, and hallways, AP reported.

With heavy rains in the forecast due to Tropical Depression Grace3, the officials had to relocate patients to other hospitals while rescuers rushed to find as many survivors as possible.

The epicenter was located about 75 km (46 miles) W of the M7.0 January 12, 2010 earthquake that caused major damage to the capital Port-au-Prince and left between 160 000 and 316 000 people dead.

With all the destruction we keep seeing in Haiti, it's worth remembering its history:

Upon declaring independence on January 1, 1804, Haiti claimed a singular place in world history. It was the first modern state to abolish slavery, the first state in the world to be formed from a successful revolt of the lower classes (in this case slaves), the first independent nation in the Caribbean, the first Black republic in the world, and the second republic in the Western Hemisphere – only 28 years behind the United States.4


1 Violent M7.2 earthquake hits Haiti, causing widespread damage and leaving thousands dead and injured – The Watchers

2 Haiti quake death toll rises to 1,419, injured now at 6,000 – AP

3 Grace approaching Dominican Republic and Haiti, heavy rainfall expected – The Watchers

4 The Historical Hatred of Haiti – AAIHS

Featured image credit: DPC


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