Nanotech self-filling water bottle inspired by a beetle

Nanotech self-filling water bottle inspired by a beetle

A water bottle which will fill itself by drawing water from atmosphere is what NBD Nano co-founder and biochemist Deckard Sorensen conceived in his mind. He got inspired by Namib desert beetle(genus Stenocara), which does something similar. Living in a desert where

Strong earthquake M 6.4 struck of the coast of Baja California, USA

Strong earthquake M 6.4 struck of the coast of Baja California, USA

Strong earthquake with recorded magnitude 6.4 struck off the west coast of Baja California on December 14, 2012 at 10:36 UTC according to USGS. Epicenter was located 262 km (162 miles) SSW of Avalon, California and 268 km (166 miles) WSW of Rosarito, Mexico at

Study reveals surprising pattern of galactic evolution

Study reveals surprising pattern of galactic evolution

A surprising pattern of galactic evolution emerged in recent study by NASA astronomers. Contrary to their opinion that nearby galaxies had achieved their present state 8 billion years ago, observations suggest galaxies were changing steadily during this time period.

Rare earthquake in Maine rattles New England states

Rare earthquake in Maine rattles New England states

The USGS reported that 4.0 magnitude earthquake hit Maine, USA around 23:12 UTC (7:12 p.m. local time) on Tuesday, October 16, 2012. The epicenter was located 5 km (3 miles) W of Hollis Center, Maine at coordinates 43.592°N, 70.676°W. The depth was recorded at

X1 – Robonaut’s spin-off exoskeleton to aid paraplegics

X1 – Robonaut’s spin-off exoskeleton to aid paraplegics

NASA’s Robonaut technology currently deployed at ISS, has led to development of a robotic exoskeleton which will help astronauts staying healthy in space and prove an aid to paraplegics on Earth. Weighing 57 pounds (approximately 26 kilograms), humans can wear this

Transient electronics – devices that disappear after serving purpose

Transient electronics – devices that disappear after serving purpose

Researchers have developed biocompatible electronic devices able to serve as conventional electronics but unlike them, these can harmlessly dissolve into fluids. This characteristic opens up a complete array of possible applications like bioresorbable (can be broken

Latest study reveals 1 gram of DNA can store up to 700 terabytes of data

Latest study reveals 1 gram of DNA can store up to 700 terabytes of data

One gram of DNA can store 700 terabytes of data, reveals the latest research done by George church, a bio-engineer and professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School with his team;  which is 1000 times more than previous record in terms of data density. Team was

Powerful hurricane Dora could impact Baja California

Powerful hurricane Dora could impact Baja California

Dora, expected to strengthen to a major hurricane, will impact parts of western Mexico over the next few days with heavy surf and locally strong, gusty winds. Churning about 250 miles southwest of Acapulco over the eastern Pacific, Dora will continue to strengthen,

New Jersey mystery crater baffles experts

New Jersey mystery crater baffles experts

Officials and experts in one New Jersey town are scratching their heads over a mysterious hole that appeared in a yard last week. For now, it appears the small crater that splayed debris across a 100-foot area wasn’t caused by a meteorite. Beyond that, it’s a