Comet Elenin disintegrated?

Comet Elenin disintegrated?

Comet Elenin, the supposed “doomsday comet” that has inspired so much confusion and controversy since its discovery in December 2010,  may have broken apart completely during its recent pass around the Sun.Discoverer Leonid Elenin posted the image

Real facts about comet Elenin statement by Leonid Elenin

Real facts about comet Elenin statement by Leonid Elenin

SpaceObs, website run by Leonid Elenin, the most mysterious amateur astronomer that discovered Comet C/2010 X1 or Comet Elenin.Elenin was visible on STEREO A HI1 from September 6th to the 22nd where it then moves out of the field of view.  To see it you need to

Comet Elenin (C/2010 X1) appears to be breaking apart

Comet Elenin (C/2010 X1) appears to be breaking apart

Comet Elenin (C/2010 X1), widely known for inaccurate reports of its threat to Earth, appears to be breaking apart. Observations by amateur astronomer Michael Mattiazzo of Castlemaine, Australia show a rapid dimming and elongation of the comet's nucleus akin to