Grasshopper population spiking across Texas

Grasshopper population spiking across Texas

Texans just can’t catch a break this summer. In the midst of this historic drought now there’s a grasshopper problem. A large seasonal population of grasshoppers is taking ranchers’ land. The pests are eating the grass intended for cows and other animals.The drought

Amazon deforestation on the rise again in Brazil

Amazon deforestation on the rise again in Brazil

Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon accelerated in June, with more than 300 square kilometers destroyed, a 17 percent increase over the previous month, government researchers said Tuesday.The National Institute for Space Research (INPE) said 312.6 square kilometers (120

Wild beasts expiriencing famine – close encounters and attacks more often

Wild beasts expiriencing famine – close encounters and attacks more often

The mountains over Grenoble were once an ideal grazing ground for his 900 sheep. But now, after long banishment, the wolves are back – bolder and hungrier than ever. Wolves were eradicated in France in the 1930s, but made a comeback in the southern Alps in 1992,

Dead fish are still being found at Buffalo Pound, Canada

Dead fish are still being found at Buffalo Pound, Canada

Thanks to our reader Sheila that send us some infos about continuing dead fish at Buffalo Pound we “put an eye” on the story again.According to DiscoverWeyburn dead fish are still being found at Buffalo Pound. Last month thousands of small, dead fish were being found

Loss of top animal predators has massive ecological effects

Loss of top animal predators has massive ecological effects

“Trophic Downgrading of Planet Earth,” a review paper that was published on July 15, 2011, in the journal Science, concludes that the decline of large predators and herbivores in all regions of the world is causing substantial changes to Earth’s terrestrial,

New study suggests severe deficits in UK honeybee numbers

New study suggests severe deficits in UK honeybee numbers

A study published by the University of Reading’s Centre for Agri Environmental Research suggests that honeybees may not be as important to pollination services in the UK than previously supposed. The research was published in the Journal Agriculture, Ecosystems and

Plants bloom earlier in Canada

Plants bloom earlier in Canada

Scientists in Canada have recorded temperatures for the 71-year peiod from 1936 to 2006, and have seen that mean monthly temperatures have increased enough to provide what they call a “substantial warming signal.” Specifically, mean monthly temperatures increased by