Moderate geomagnetic storm is in progress

Moderate geomagnetic storm is in progress

A solar wind stream is buffeting Earth’s magnetic field, sparking Southern Lights around the Antarctic Circle. Ian Stewart sends this picture to from a jetty near Hobart, Tasmania:”Not long after sunset a friend rang to ask whether a faint arc of

Brittish Secretary of Defence: Solar flares storm could paralyse UK

Brittish Secretary of Defence: Solar flares storm could paralyse UK

British Defence Secretary Liam Fox will next week attend a summit of scientists and security advisers who believe the infrastructure that underpins modern life in Western economies is potentially vulnerable to electromagnetic disruption.Blogger’s and scientists

Planetary triangle seen on sky this morning

Planetary triangle seen on sky this morning

Another day, another alignment of planets. “This morning, May 14th, the ‘planetary triangle’ created by Venus, Jupiter and Mercury adorned the eastern sky behind my nearby mosque,” reports Shahrin Ahmad, who snapped this picture from his rooftop observatory of Sri

Sundiving comet and coronal mass ejection

Sundiving comet and coronal mass ejection

A comet dove into the sun on May 11th and seemed to trigger a massive eruption. Watch the movie, then scroll down for further discussion.

A comet goes in; a CME comes out. Coincidence? Probably, yes, the sequence was coincidental. The comet disintegrated

Comet hit the Sun?

Comet hit the Sun?

A comet just discovered by amateur astronomer Sergey Shurpakov is diving past the sun today, and it will probably not survive. Click here to view a movie of the death plunge recorded by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory–and check back for updates in the hours

Spectacular CME, active region approaching Earth

Spectacular CME, active region approaching Earth

A sunspot located just behind the sun’s eastern limb erupted during the waning hours of May 9th, hurling a spectacular coronal mass ejection into space: movie. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed hot magnetic loops towering over the edge of the sun in the

Watch tonight for Eta Aquarid meteor shower!!!

Watch tonight for Eta Aquarid meteor shower!!!

Bits and pieces of the famous Halley’s Comet will light up the overnight sky in a promising meteor shower, weather permitting, skywatching experts say.The annual Eta Aquarid meteor shower will peak early tomorrow morning (May 6) and is expected to put on a

SkyWatchers: Great Morning Planet Show!

SkyWatchers: Great Morning Planet Show!

The Great Morning Planet Show of May 2011 is underway. Every morning for the rest of this month, you can see a beautiful gathering of four planets in the eastern sky. They are Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury, shown here on May 1st over Magnetic Island in east