Geomagnetic storm in progress!

Geomagnetic storm in progress!

A polar geomagnetic storm (Kp=5) is in progress following the impact of a CME around 1100 UT on Sept. 9th. This could be the first of several hits from a series of CMEs expected to reach Earth during the weekend. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras

Sun spews CME toward Mercury

Sun spews CME toward Mercury

On Sept 8th around 2300 UT, the SOHO and STEREO spacecraft detected a significant CME emerging from the farside of the sun. Earth is not in the line of fire, but the planet Mercury is. Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab estimate that the cloud will reach the

Strange activity around the Sun

Strange activity around the Sun

SDO/AIA 304     2011/09/08   00:57:46SDO/AIA 304     2011/09/08   01:29:57There are few more interesting images recorded by LASCO2 and LASCO3  (Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraphs).C2 images show t

Strong solar activity in past 72 hours

Strong solar activity in past 72 hours

A strong M-Class flare registering M6.7 took place at 15:46 UTC around active Sunspot 1283. Stay tuned for any further updates.  (SolarHam)On Sept. 8th at 1546 UT, sunspot 1283 unleashed an M6-class solar flare. This continues the active region’s 3-day trend of

Solar radio bursts

Solar radio bursts

This week's sharp increase in solar activity has turned the Sun into a radio transmitter. Bursts of shortwave static are coming from the unstable magnetic canopy of sunspot 1283. Yesterday in New Mexico, amateur radio astronomer Thomas Ashcraft recorded some…

X2.1 solar flare took place

X2.1 solar flare took place

A strong X2.1 Class Solar Flare took place at 22:20 UTC Tuesday and was centered around Sunspot 1283. Another CME now looks to have resulted (watch it). A Type II and Type IV sweep frequency event occurred as well as a TenFlare (10.7cm Radio Burst). Proton Levels are

Earth-directed M5.3 solar flare took place

Earth-directed M5.3 solar flare took place

This morning at 0150 UT, sunspot 1283 produced an M5.3-class solar flare. A movie from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the flash of extreme UV radiation. Because of the sunspot’s central location on the solar disk, the eruption was Earth-directed and a CME

M-class solar flares on northwestern limb of the sun

M-class solar flares on northwestern limb of the sun

The northwestern limb of the sun is crackling with M-class solar flares. The source appears to be departing sunspot complex 1280-1286. Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) emerging from the blast site are not Earth-directed. Nevertheless, these flares are having a minor

M3 solar flare took place on Sun’s western limb

M3 solar flare took place on Sun’s western limb

This morning at 1145 UT, an active region on the sun’s western limb unleashed an M3-class solar flare. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the flash of extreme UV radiation:Although the blast site was not directly facing Earth, radiation from the explosion

An enormous filament of magnetism slithering over the sun’s northeastern limb

An enormous filament of magnetism slithering over the sun’s northeastern limb

Today, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring sine wave 400,000 km long.  It’s an enormous filament of magnetism slithering over the sun’s northeastern limb:One of the wave troughs appears to be passing through the core of sunspot 1282. If so, an eruption