More radioactive leaks from Fukushima after recent typhoon

More radioactive leaks from Fukushima after recent typhoon

A spokesman for Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) said heavy rain during a recent typhoon has flooded one of the tank holding areas.

Asahi reports that the tanks were filled to about 98.6 percent of capacity, leaving very little space between the top of the water and

Fukushima leaking radioactive materials directly into the ocean

Fukushima leaking radioactive materials directly into the ocean

Breaking news from Tokyo, Japan confirms that levels of cancer-causing cesium-134 are showing up in groundwater samples at rates 90- 110 times higher than all previous readings at the Fukushima disaster zone. The announcements are coming from the Tokyo Electric Power

Dr. Christopher Busby warns about the dangers of air filters in Tokyo

Dr. Christopher Busby warns about the dangers of air filters in Tokyo

Christopher Busby, a PhD in chemical physics, and the former member of the Britain’s Committee Examining Risks of Internal Emitters is best known for raising concerns about low-level radiation.Since the tsunami and power-plant explosion in Japan in March 2011, he’s

Fukushima forever by Mark Sircus

Fukushima forever by Mark Sircus

In the first week after Fukushima, this physicist genius called for a massive international effort to bury the entire nuclear complex to protect as much as possible the human race from nuclear contamination. Dr. Michio Kaku said early on that “Tepco