
New high-level eruption at Agung volcano, Indonesia


A new high-level eruption took place at Agung volcano, Bali, Indonesia at 03:42 UTC (11:42 local time) on May 31, 2019. 

According to the Darwin VAAC, a high-level eruption was observed on webcam and satellite imagery to an estimated height of 9.1 km (30 000 feet) above sea level, moving ESE.

The Aviation Color Code was raised to Red.

"The danger area is within a radius of 4 km (2.5 miles) from the summit. Outside it is safe," BNPB's Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said.

Mount Agung erupting on May 31, 2019. Credit: PVMBG

Agung experienced several significant eruptions this month:

Strong eruption at Agung volcano, several flights canceled – Bali, Indonesia (May 24, 2019)

Indonesian Agung volcano erupted again on Friday, May 24, 2019, ejecting ash up to 4.5 km (15 000 feet) above sea level. The eruption took place at 11:23 UTC (19:23 WITA) and lasted for 4 minutes and 30 seconds. The Darwin VAAC said volcanic ash was observed on… 

Amazing view of new eruption at Agung volcano, Indonesia (May 17, 2019)

Indonesian Agung volcano erupted again at 18:08 UTC on May 17, 2019 (02:08 LT, May 18), ejecting ash up to 7.6 km (25 000 feet) above sea level. The Aviation Color Code is Red. The Darwin VAAC estimated volcanic ash height at 7.6 km (25 000 feet) a.s.l. based on…

Discrete eruption at Mount Agung, ash to 4.6 km (15 000 feet) a.s.l., Indonesia (April 30, 2019)

A discrete eruption took place at Mount Agung, Indonesia at 22:34 UTC on April 29, 2019 (05:34 LT on April 30). The eruption lasted 2 minutes and 15 seconds, with a maximum amplitude of 25 mm. According to Darwin VAAC, the eruption sent volcanic ash up to 4.6 km (15…

Strong eruption at Agung volcano, ash rains down on Bali, Indonesia (April 21, 2019)

A new eruption took place at Indonesian Mount Agung, Bali at 19:20 UTC on April 20, 2019 (03:20 local time, April 21). The eruption produced a column of ash up to 5.4 km (18 000 feet) above sea level. Ashfall hit parts of Bali, including Klungkung, Bangli, Denpasar,…

Featured image: Mount Agung erupting on May 31, 2019. Credit: PVMBG


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