Evidence for an extreme solar proton event around 660 BC

Evidence for an extreme solar proton event around 660 BC

An increasing amount of research indicates that solar storms can be even more powerful than measurements have shown so far via direct observations. Researchers believe that society is not sufficiently prepared if a similar event were to happen now. The researchers…

Study: How Sun influences lightning and thunder activity on Earth

Study: How Sun influences lightning and thunder activity on Earth

Japanese researchers have taken the first steps to understand how the Sun's rotational cycle influences lightning activity on Earth. The answers were found in diaries dating back to the 1700s. "It is well known that long-term – centennial to…

New tool could predict large solar storms more than 24 hours in advance

New tool could predict large solar storms more than 24 hours in advance

A new measurement and modelling tool/technique, developed by Dr Neel Savani of Imperial College London and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, could give more than 24 hours' notice of large magnetic storms from the Sun that could be harmful to systems on…

NASA investigates proton radiation effects on human cells

NASA investigates proton radiation effects on human cells

A team of researchers at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, Calif., has found radiation from protons could further enhance a process that occurs during tumor progression. This information may help lead…