Very bright fireball over Spain and Portugal

Very bright fireball over Spain and Portugal

A very bright fireball streaked through the night sky over Spain and Portugal at 20:03 UTC on January 21, 2024. This event took place some 19 hours after asteroid 2024 BX1 impacted Earth’s atmosphere over Berlin, Germany, as the 8th asteroid on record to be discovered before impacting Earth.

Very bright fireball over Portugal and Spain

Very bright fireball over Portugal and Spain

A very bright fireball was observed over Portugal and Spain at 22:42 UTC on November 2, 2022. This bright meteor was recorded in the framework of the SMART project, operated by the Southwestern Europe Meteor Network (SWEMN) from the meteor-observing stations located at Huelva, La Hita, CAHA, OSN, La Sagra, Sevilla, and El Aljarafe.