“Haboob: A Decade of Dust” by Mike Olbinski

“Haboob: A Decade of Dust” by Mike Olbinski

Haboob: A Decade of Dust is new timelapse produced by storm-chasing photographer Mike Olbinski, showing his most favorite clips of dust storms captured from 2011 to 2021.

Japan gets some of the heaviest snow in the world

Japan gets some of the heaviest snow in the world

In February 2022, James Reynolds of Earth Uncut TV headed to the town of Yuzawa in Niigata Prefecture, Japan to undertake a marathon 48-hrs snow measuring challenge during a huge sea effect outbreak. The results blew his mind… see it for yourself in the video…

Large farside eruption creates impressive coronal mass ejection (CME)

Large farside eruption creates impressive coronal mass ejection (CME)

A powerful eruption took place on the farside of the Sun at around 22:23 UTC on February 15, 2022, creating an impressive coronal mass ejection (CME). This is one of the largest CMEs of Solar Cycle 25. The source region for this event is beyond the east limb and…

Very bright fireball over Western India and Pakistan

Very bright fireball over Western India and Pakistan

A very bright fireball was recorded over Western India and Pakistan at 14:17 UTC on January 29, 2022. The American Meteor Society (AMS) received only 3 reports and 1 video. The video was recorded from Hyderabad, Pakistan. If you witnessed this event, please fill…

Very rare Polar Stratospheric Clouds Type II appear over Scandinavia

Very rare Polar Stratospheric Clouds Type II appear over Scandinavia

Northern regions of Scandinavia were treated to a very rare high-altitude spectacle on January 17, 2022, photographer Adrien Mauduit reports. For about 2 hours, rare polar stratospheric clouds (PSC) type II appeared out of nowhere, displaying a staggering…