Deadly landslides hit Nepal after heavy rains

Deadly landslides hit Nepal after heavy rains

Heavy rains and landslides in the Achham district of Nepal killed at least 17 people and left 5 more missing on September 16, 2022.

Large rockslide buries 100 homes in Peru’s Ancash region

Large rockslide buries 100 homes in Peru’s Ancash region

A large rockslide hit the municipality of Chavín de Huántar, Huari Province of Peru’s Áncash region on June 30, 2022, affecting some 150 homes. The slide took place on the Cruz de Shallapa hill.

Destructive power of rockfalls in a highly graphic manner

Destructive power of rockfalls in a highly graphic manner

A dangerous rockslide occurred on the road in Vietnam’s Thai Nguyen Province on May 26, 2022. The event ‘illustrates the destructive power of rockfalls in a highly graphic manner,’ said landslides expert Dr. Dave Petley.