Ice melting on Lake Baikal

Ice melting on Lake Baikal

For several months each year, Russia’s Lake Baikal is covered by a thick layer of ice. Formation begins in late-December, and by mid-January the entire lake is usually blanketed. Come spring, the lake begins its long, slow melt. Patches of open water usually appear

Retreating sea ice around Alaska sign of advancing spring

Retreating sea ice around Alaska sign of advancing spring

Over the winter of 2011–2012, the extent of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean was slightly below the 1979–2000 average, but conditions in the Bering Sea were different. There, sea ice extents were well above normal, reaching a record high in March 2012. Two factors

Ice breaking up in Hudson Bay,  Canada

Ice breaking up in Hudson Bay, Canada

The cold waters of Hudson Bay are typically covered with ice from January to May each year and reach reaching ice-free status in mid-August, but by early April, 2012, ice breakup was well underway across the Bay. Bits of open water covered with some floating ice can

Satellite observes rapid ice shelf disintegration in Antarctic

Satellite observes rapid ice shelf disintegration in Antarctic

As ESA’s Envisat satellite marks ten years in orbit, it continues to observe the rapid retreat of one of Antarctica’s ice shelves due to climate warming. One of the satellite’s first observations following its launch on 1 March 2002 was of break-up of a main

Arctic sea ice maximum for 2012

Arctic sea ice maximum for 2012

Arctic sea ice reached its maximum extent for the winter of 2011–2012 on March 18, the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) has announced. (Extent is the total area of ocean in which ice concentration is at least 15 percent.) With a total extent of 15.24 million

Extending the Ozone monitoring record

Extending the Ozone monitoring record

The Ozone Mapper and Profiler Suite (OMPS) is one of five new satellite instruments on the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite. OMPS  is sending back detailed information about the atmospheric gas that shields life from harmful levels of the

Unusual blue-green mass in Mackenzie Bay, Antarctic

Unusual blue-green mass in Mackenzie Bay, Antarctic

Off the northeastern edge of Antarctica’s Amery Ice Shelf lies Mackenzie Bay, which was painted with a ghostly blue-green mass in early February 2012. Icebergs sometimes interrupt flow of similarly colored tendrils northward across the ocean. Multiple factors

Lake Vostok – Subglacial drill projects at Antarctica

Lake Vostok – Subglacial drill projects at Antarctica

Antarctica has nearly 90% of the ice and 70% of the fresh water on Earth. The third-largest continent, it is one and a half the size of the US.  More than 150 subglacial lakes have so far been discovered beneath Antarctica’s vast ice sheet. These lakes