
Powerful X1.9 solar flare erupts, producing strong CME

x1.9 solar flare july 16 2024 sdo aia 301 f

A powerful solar flare measuring X1.9 erupted from departing Active Region 3738 at 13:26 UTC on July 16, 2024. The event started at 13:11 and ended at 13:36 UTC.

This event was associated with a Type II Radio Emission, with an estimated velocity of 516 km/s, suggesting a coronal mass ejection (CME) was produced.

A Type IV Radio Emission was registered beginning at 13:38 UTC. Type IV emissions occur in association with major eruptions on the Sun and are typically associated with strong CMEs and solar radiation storms.

Additionally, a 10cm Radio Burst, lasting 8 minutes and with a peak flux of 550 sfu, was registered between 13:18 and 13:26 UTC. This indicates that the electromagnetic burst associated with a solar flare at the 10cm wavelength was double or greater than the initial 10cm radio background. It can be indicative of significant radio noise in association with a solar flare. This noise is generally short-lived but can cause interference for sensitive receivers including radar, GPS, and satellite communications.

goes-x-ray-flux-1-minute x1.9 solar flare july 16 2024
x1.9 solar flare july 16 2024 sdo aia 301
X1.9 solar flare on July 16, 2024. Credit: NASA/SDO AIA 301, Helioviewer, The Watchers
x1.9 solar flare july 16 2024 sdo aia 131
X1.9 solar flare on July 16, 2024. Credit: NASA/SDO AIA 131, Helioviewer, The Watchers

Earth-directed CME is not expected due to the location of this region in the far southwestern region of the Sun. Available coronagraph imagery confirms it.

sunspots on july 16 2024
Sunspots on July 16, 2024. Credit: NASA SDO/HMI
cme produced by x1.9 solar flare on july 16 2024

Radio frequencies were forecast to be most degraded over Africa, Europe, the Atlantic Ocean, and parts of North and South America at the time of the flare.

drap x1.9 solar flare july 16 2024

Solar activity is likely to be moderate, with a slight chance for X-class flare activity through July 18.


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