
‘Ring of Fire’ annular solar eclipse to grace the skies soon after the solstice


An annular solar eclipse will take place on Sunday, June 21, 2020. This is one of the most breathtaking celestial events when the Moon partially obscures the Sun, allowing a "ring of fire" on its edges. The eclipse will start several hours after the solstice.

The annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is farthest away from the Earth in its orbit, thus, appearing smaller in our skies, relative to the Sun.

The difference in apparent size is what sets annular eclipses apart from full eclipses– when the nearer position of the Moon (with its average radius of  800 km or 1 000 miles) makes it look the same size as our star (with a radius of around 696 000 km or 432 000 miles).

A stunning example of this was taken by photographer Colin Legg and astronomy student Geoff Sims in Western Australia in May 2013. The ring of fire is seen being distorted by the Earth's atmosphere.

A complete ring of fire will be visible from central Africa through Asia, while many other areas, from southern Europe to the northern portions of Australia, will see a partial annular eclipse. 

The instant of greatest eclipse takes place at 06:40 UTC, with the Sun in the constellation Taurus. This is 6.2 days after the Moon reaches apogee.

The synodic month in which the eclipse takes place has a Brown Lunation Number of 1206, NASA's Fred Espenak aka Mr. Eclipse noted. The eclipse belongs to Saros 137 and is number 36 of 70 eclipses in the series. All eclipses in this series occur at the Moon’s ascending node. The Moon moves southward with respect to the node with each succeeding eclipse in the series and gamma decreases.

At the peak of the eclipse, the Moon will obscure 99.4 percent of the Sun as the pair puts a spectacular display across the skies of northern India.

Google Map – interactive map of the eclipse path

Circumstances Table – eclipse times for hundreds of cities

Watch it live

At 05:30 UTC on June 21, join astrophysicist Gianluca Masi with live contributions from countries in Asia and Africa at www.virtualtelescope.eu.

Slooh will also provide live coverage of this event, starting at 05:00 UTC.

Featured image: Annular Solar Eclipse in May 2013. Credit: HuiChieh


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  1. THE SOLSTICE SOLAR ECLIPSE ON JUNE 21 AND THE HIGH PROBABILITY FOR MASSIVE EARTHQUAKE TWO DAYS LATER……………………..On Saturday, June 20, 2020, the solstice will occur as the Earth’s North Pole reaches its maximum tilt towards the Sun. Just 9 hours later, the Moon will pass perfectly between the Earth and the Sun, creating an annular solar eclipse. An annular solar eclipse will occur when the angular diameter of the Moon falls short of that of the Sun so that it cannot cover up the latter completely. As a result a ring of the Sun’s disk remains visible around the Moon. Is there a correlation between eclipses and earthquakes? The short answer is yes. According to my understanding, the reason has to do with the increase of the magnetic stress on the magnetic field of the Earth. During a solar eclipse, the Earth, Sun, and Moon are aligned, so you’d expect the stress to be high. In fact, even mainstream science recently acknowledged, that there is a correlation between high ocean tides and earth tides and earthquakes on shallow thrust faults and undersea subduction zones. In an earth tide or body tide, the Earth’s surface is displaced. An ocean tide works the same way, except it is water that moves rather than land. Both types of high tides occur during the full and new moon. A lunar eclipse occurs during a full moon while a solar eclipse occurs during the new moon. During earth tides, the surface of the crust may rise or fall by a few centimeters. The affect of ocean tides is more pronounced. Ocean tides can change the sea level by over a meter, which changes the pressure on subduction zones and the faults near the edges of continents. During earth tides, the surface of the crust may rise or fall by a few centimeters. The affect of ocean tides is more pronounced. Ocean tides can change the sea level by over a meter, which changes the pressure on subduction zones and the faults near the edges of continents. The semi-diurnal tides also have an effect on seismic activity and have been connected with aftershocks in volcanic regions. However, solstice solar eclipse of 2020 is taking place during a time when the rate of Cosmic Rays is breaking the record. The rate is up 12%, just in the last three years. Besides that, the Earth’s magnetic field is experiencing major weakness. SWARM has already probed the weakness of Earth’s magnetic field. https://www.esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/Swarm/Swarm_probes_weakening_of_Earth_s_magnetic_field The total solar eclipse of 2001 June 21 triggered the biggest earthquake of 2001. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001_southern_Peru_earthquake

    1. As foretold in Matthew 24, earthquakes will occur more frequently in the days before Jesus returns. First time he will appear in the clouds to take believers to heaven, then 7 years later He returns to defeat Satan and set up his kingdom in Jerusalem to rule for eternity. Time is short, Get Ready, Get Saved, Jesus welcomes you.

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