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Earth changes video summary: September 2014


The following video compiles footage of 'signs of the times' from around the world during September 2014 – 'earth changes', extreme weather, meteor fireballs, high strangeness and planetary upheaval.

'Iraq War III' is underway, and Mother Nature is not happy about it. 

Fireball meteor sightings picked up dramatically in September, with spectacular sightings over Russia, the U.S. Pacific coast, an actual impact next to a busy airport in Nicaragua, and what appeared to be multiple fireballs coming down over Lake Michigan. The U.S.'s earliest ever snowfall hit South Dakota, Wyoming, and Colorado, while Calgary in Canada went from summer temperatures to 11 inches of snow overnight. Ignoring the raging wildfires across California, a monster hailstorm blanketed Napa Valley with 6 inches of hail, a feat repeated in Florence, Italy and Teruel, Spain. 

Rainfall records around the world continue to be broken at an alarming rate, with deluges happening so fast in southern France, southern Italy, the Balkans and southern Spain that cars, roads, homes and people were washed away. Montpelier even recorded over a foot of rain in just two hours. Intense flooding in India, Pakistan, Thailand and China were matched by successive waves of flash-flooding from Mexico to the U.S. Northeast, with up to 10 inches of rain falling from coast to coast. Meanwhile, tornadoes made appearances in France, Germany, The Netherlands and Croatia. 

There were a number of spectacular volcanic eruptions, particularly in Papua New Guinea, Iceland and Japan: the latter two countries' second-largest volcanoes erupted; the first gave plenty of warning but Mount Ontake took hundreds of climbers completely by surprise. September also saw a lot of 'high strangeness', with 'UFO lights' filmed over Hong Kong at the height of anti-Chinese protests, and plasma formations photographed above Chicago. In what could be a foreboding harbinger of plagues to come, the West African Ebola outbreak death toll passed the 3,000 mark last month… as the deadly virus reached the U.S. 

Source: SOTT – October 5, 2014.

Music used: 'Escape from the Temple' by Per Kiilstofte. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Featured image credit: SOTT


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  1. Thank you Watchers!! Keep reporting the truth and God shall Bless you for it.
    UFO lights are from earthquakes, called EQL ( earth-quake luminosities). There are NO UFO’s from outer space world’s. Those lights are from Earth.
    The lines in the sky are from geo-engineering spraying planes. Learn more truth: go to – geoengineeringwatch.org

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