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‘Proof of Heaven’ documents existence of afterlife, multiverse, intelligent life beyond Earth, multidimensional realities


There’s a secret that’s much bigger than politics, health freedom, science or even the entire history of the human race. That secret remains entirely unacknowledged — even condemned — by the scientific community, and yet it is the single most important secret about everything that is. Yes, everything.

That secret is simply this: We all survive the physical death of our bodies. Our consciousness lives on, and upon our death in this Earthly dream, our consciousness transcends this physical reality and experiences an existence so amazing and powerful that the human language cannot even begin to describe it.

This is the message from Dr. Eben Alexander, author of the newly-published book, “Proof of Heaven.” I recently read the book and found it both fascinating and also confirming of several important theories I’ve been developing about the nature of life and the Creator. (See below.)

A lifelong science skeptic who never believed in God, Heaven or consciousness

Long before this book was ever written, Dr. Alexander was a practicing neurosurgeon and a lifelong “science skeptic.” He did not believe in consciousness, free will or the existence of a non-physical spirit. Trained in western medical school and surrounded by medical colleagues who are deeply invested in the materialism view of the universe, Dr. Alexander believed that so-called “consciousness” was only an illusion created by the biochemical functioning of the brain.

This is a view held by virtually all of today’s mainstream scientists, including physicists like Stephen Hawking who say that human beings are nothing more than “biological robots” with no consciousness and no free will.

Dr. Alexander would have held this view to his own death bed had it not been for his experiencing an event so bizarre and miraculous that it defies all conventional scientific explanation: Dr. Alexander “died” for seven days and experienced a vivid journey into the afterlife. He then returned to his physical body, experienced a miraculous healing, and went on to write the book “Proof of Heaven.”

E.coli infection eats his brain

It all started when e.coli bacteria infected Dr. Alexander’s spinal fluid and outer cerebrum. The e.coli began to literally eat his brain away, and he went into an extremely violent fit of seizures, verbal outbursts and muscular spasms before lapsing into a brain-dead coma.

In this coma, he showed zero higher brain activity and was only kept alive via a respirator and IV fluids. The attending physicians soon concluded that Dr. Alexander would die within a matter of days, and that even if he lived, he would be a non-functioning “vegetable” with limited brain function. Statistically, the death rate for patients with e.coli infections of the brain is 97%.

But here’s the real shocker in all this: Rather than experiencing nothingness during these seven earth-days of unconsciousness, Dr. Alexander found himself “awakening” from the dream of his earthly life, suddenly experiencing an incomprehensibly vast expansion of his consciousness in the afterlife.

This experience is described in more detail in his book “Proof of Heaven,” but here are the highlights:

• The experience of the afterlife was so “real” and expansive that the experience of living as a human on Earth seemed like an artificial dream by comparison.

• There was no time dimension in the afterlife. Time did not “flow” as it does in our universe. An instant could seem like eternity, and consciousness could move through what we perceive to be time without effort. (This idea that all time exists simultaneously has enormous implications in understanding the nature of free will and the multiverse, along with the apparent flow of time experienced by our consciousness in this realm.)

• The fabric of the afterlife was pure LOVE. Love dominated the afterlife to such a huge degree that the overall presence of evil was infinitesimally small.

• In the afterlife, all communication was telepathic. There was no need for spoken words, nor even any separation between the self and everything else happening around you.

• The moment you asked a question in your mind, the answers were immediately apparent in breathtaking depth and detail. There was no “unknown” and the mere asking of a question was instantly accompanied by the appearance of its answers.

• There also exists a literal Hell, which was described by Dr. Alexander as a place buried underground, with gnarled tree roots and demonic faces and never-ending torment. Dr. Alexander was rescued from this place by angelic beings and transported to Heaven.

God acknowledges the existence of the multiverse

The passage of “Proof of Heaven” I found most interesting is found on page 48, where Dr. Alexander says:

Through the Orb, told me that there is not one universe but many — in fact, more than I could conceive — but that love lay at the center of them all. Evil was present in all the other universes as well, but only in the tiniest trace amounts. Evil was necessary because without it free will was impossible, and without free will there could be no growth — no forward movement, no chance for us to become what God longed for us to be. Horrible and all-powerful as evil sometimes seemed to be in a world like ours, in the larger picture love was overwhelmingly dominant, and it would ultimately be triumphant.

This passage struck an important cord with me, as I have long believed our universe was created by the Creator as just one of an infinite number of other universes, each with variations on life and the laws of physics. (Click here to read my writings on the Higgs Boson particle, consciousness and the multiverse.) What Dr. Alexander’s quote confirms is that our life on planet Earth is a “test” of personal growth, and that the way to make progress in this test is to overcome evil while spreading love and compassion.

Even more, this passage also confirms the existence of free will and even helps answer the question I’m often asking myself: “Why are we placed here in a world of such evil and surrounded by ignorance, darkness and deception?” The answer appears to be that Earth is a testing ground for souls that have been selected by the Creator for the ultimate test of good versus evil.

Earth as a testing ground

Although “Proof of Heaven” doesn’t go as far as I’m explaining here, my working theory is that our planet Earth is among the highest evil-infested realms in the grand multiverse. Only the most courageous souls agree to come to Earth by being born into human bodies and stripped of their memories.

From there, the challenge of life is multi-faceted:

1) Figure out WHO you are and WHY you are here.
2) Learn to recognize and overcome EVIL (tyranny, slavery, oppression, Big Government, etc.).
3) Learn to spread love, compassion, healing and knowledge.

Upon our death, we are judged by a higher power, and that judgment takes into account our performance in these areas. Did we achieve a measure of self-awareness? Did we work to overcome evil? Did we express love and compassion and help uplift others with knowledge and awareness?

As you’ve probably already figured out, the vast majority of humans fail these tests. They die as bitter, selfish, substance-addicted, greed-driven minions of evil who mistakenly thought they were winning the game of life while, in reality, they were losing the far more important test of the Creator.

The most important part about living a human life is not acquiring money, or fame, or power over others but rather achieving a high “score” in this simulation known as “life” by resisting evil, spreading love and expanding awareness of that which is true.

For those who respect life, who practice humility and self awareness, who seek to spread knowledge and wisdom while resisting tyranny, oppression, ignorance and evil, their souls will, I believe, be selected for special tasks in the greater multiverse. That’s the “real” existence. This Earthly life is only a dream-like simulation where your soul interfaces with the crude biology of our planet for a very short time span that’s actually the blink of an eye in the larger picture.

In reality, you are much more than your body. In fact, your soul is infinitely more aware, intelligent and creative than what can be experienced or expressed through the brain of a human. Trying to experience the full reality of what you are through the limited physical brain matter of a human being is a lot like trying to teach an insect to compose music like Mozart.

The multiverse is teeming with intelligent life, including multidimensional beings

Dr. Alexander’s journey also confirms the existence of intelligent life far beyond Earth. As he explains in Proof of Heaven:

I saw the abundance of life throughout the countless universes, including some whose intelligence was advanced far beyond that of humanity. I saw that there are countless higher dimensions, but that the only way to know these dimensions is to enter and experience them directly. They cannot be known, or understood, from lower dimensional space. From those higher worlds one could access any time or place in our world.

This not only confirms the existence of other intelligent civilizations throughout our known universe, but more importantly the existence of multidimensional beings who can come and go from our realm as they please.

Throughout the cultures of the world, there are countless accounts of advanced beings visiting Earth, transferring technology to ancient Earth civilizations, and possibly even interbreeding with early humans. Even the very basis of Christianity begins with the idea that an omnipresent multidimensional being (God) can intervene at will, and can therefore transcend time and space.

Alternative researchers like David Icke also talk about multidimensional beings visiting Earth and infecting the planet with great evil. According to Icke, the globalist controllers of our planet are literally reptilian shape-shifters who have invaded our world for the purpose of controlling and enslaving humanity. Although nothing like this is covered in Dr. Alexander’s book, it is not inconsistent with what Dr. Alexander was told by God during his coma… Namely, that there are multidimensional realities, that certain high-vibration beings can traverse those realities at will, and that Earth is infested with a great evil with the specific purpose of testing our character.

If all this sounds a little too spooky for you, consider the words of the Bible itself: An upright talking reptilian snake spoke in audible words to Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden, did it not?

The science skeptics are wrong (again)

Regardless of what you might think about multidimensional beings, intelligent life beyond Earth, and the existence of great evil on our planet, there’s one aspect of all this that’s crystal clear: The science skeptics are dead wrong.

Science “skeptics” are actually misnamed. They aren’t skeptical at all. They simply follow their own religion with its own sacred beliefs that cannot be questioned… ever! Those beliefs include the utter worship of the materialistic view of the universe. Simultaneously, so-called “skeptics” do not believe they are conscious beings themselves because they believe consciousness is merely an “artifact” of biochemical brain function.

There is no afterlife, they insist. There is no mind-body medicine, the placebo effect is useless, and there’s no such thing as premonition, remote viewing or psychic phenomena. Oh yes, and they also insist that injecting yourself with mercury, MSG and formaldehyde via vaccines is actually good for you, that fluoride chemicals are good for the public health and that we should all eat more GMOs, pesticides and synthetic chemicals.

It’s no surprise these religious cult members of the “scientism” cult don’t believe in an afterlife. That’s what allows them to commit genocidal crimes against the human race today via GMOs, experimental medicine, toxic vaccines and other deadly pursuits. In their view, humans have no souls so killing them is of no consequence.

As Dr. Alexander says,

Certain members of the scientific community, who are pledged to the materialistic worldview, have insisted again and again that science and spirituality cannot coexist. They are mistaken.

Well of course they are. The “science skeptics” are dead wrong about almost everything they claim to advocate. But their biggest mistake of all is in denying the existence of their own souls. Needless to say, they are all going to fail the human experience simulation once they pass on and face judgment. My, what a surprise that will be for those sad souls when they day arrives…

I would hate to face God one day after having lived a life of a science skeptic, and then have God ask the question: “You doubted ME?” How could anyone take a look at the world around them and not see the signs of an intelligent Creator? Even the very laws of physics have been tweaked and fine-tuned in precisely the right balance so that our universe itself can support the formation of stars, and planets, and carbon-based life forms. This is called the “Goldilocks Enigma,” and there’s a wonderful book by that same name written by Paul Davies.

No biochemical explanation for Dr. Alexander’s experience

For those skeptics who may be reading this, Dr. Alexander goes through nine possible biochemical hypotheses for his experiences and then meticulously and scientifically dismisses them all one by one. The result? His experience was REAL. In fact, it was “more real” than life as a human being.

Remember, Dr. Alexander is a neurosurgeon. This guy knows the physical brain like no one else. The nine medical explanations he considers and dismisses as possible causes for his experience are:

1) Primitive brainstem program.
2) Distorted recall of memories from the limbic system.
3) Endogenous glutamate blockade with excitotoxicity.
4) DMT dump.
5) Isolated preservation of cortical regions of the brain.
6) Loss of inhibitory neurons leading to highly levels of activity among excitatory neuronal networks to generate an apparent “ultra-reality.”
7) Activation of thalamus, basal ganglia and brainstorm to create a hyper-reality experience.
8) Reboot phenomenon.
9) Unusual memory generation through archaic visual pathways.

Dr. Alexander may be the most credible afterlife witness in the history of humanity

Dr. Alexander’s experience (and subsequent book) is arguably the best-documented case of the afterlife that exists in western science today. The fact that a vivid, hyper-real afterlife was experienced by a science skeptic materialistic brain surgeon who didn’t believe in the afterlife — and who subsequently found the courage to document his experiences and publish them in a book — adds irrefutable credibility to the experience.

This was not some kook seeking fame on a TV show. In fact, his writing this book earned him endless ridicule from his former “scientific” colleagues. There was every reason to NOT write this book. Only by the grace of God was Dr. Alexander healed of his e.coli infection, restored to normal brain function, and granted the VISION of the afterlife so that he could return to this realm and attempt to put it into words.

Personally, I believe Dr. Alexander, and his experience mirrors that of countless others, across every culture, who have reported similar NDEs (Near Death Experiences). There is life after life, and the shift in consciousness of Earthlings that is required to take our species to a higher level of understanding begins, I believe, with embracing the truth of the immortality of our own souls (and the existence of a grand Creator).

What does it all mean?

Dr. Alexander’s spiritual journey gives us a wealth of information that can help provide meaning and purpose in our daily lives.

For starters, it means that all our actions are recorded in the cosmos and that there are no secrets in the larger scope of things. You cannot secretly screw somebody over here on Earth and think it won’t be recorded on your soul forever. It also means that all our actions will be accounted for in the afterlife. If this message sounds familiar, that’s because an identical idea is the pillar of every major world religion, including Christianity.

It also means there are people living today on this planet whose souls will literally burn in eternal Hell. There are others whose souls, like Dr. Alexander, will be lifted into Heaven and shown a greater reality. What we choose to do with our lives each and every day determines which path our souls will take after the passing of our physical bodies.

What matters, then, is not whether you actually succeed in defeating evil here on Earth, but rather the nature of your character that emerges from all the challenges and tribulations you face. This is all a test, get it? That’s why life seems to suck sometimes. It’s not a panacea; it’s a testing ground for the most courageous souls of all — those who wish to enter the realm of great evil and hope they can rise above it before the end of their human lifespan.

Read more of my writings on such topics at www.DivinityNow.com

Featured image: wallpaperstate.org

*** end of article ***

Explore more… (added by TW)

“Only when we know who we are, can we know freedom”

In this seven-hour presentation to 2,500 people at the Brixton Academy in London, David Icke presents his opinion of who we really are, the ugly illusion we are living in, and connects the dots to reveal a picture of life on earth that is truly beyond the cutting edge.

YouTube video

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    1. Life isn’t an illusion because it has “physical mass.”
      One of the illusions we do have is that we are the ONLY ones in this universe. It is arrogance to believe that we are all alone.

      We have a physical form in order to learn lessons of having “physical form”. If you cut yourself…it hurts. That is not an illusion. You feel the pain.

  1. Seems that is all Verbal Cocoonism, I conclude that E=MC2=E Energy to mass to Energy. Our body atomic weight is about 72%, The Universe is 92% Hydrogen, the sun is Hydrogen, our body is depended on Hydrogen H2O, and we all just disapate. The Element Hydrogen is the only Element that can leave the Solar system and Galaxy and go into the universe. So you figure.

  2. As a person of science I am very skeptical about this. He did have some brain activity and as we know our brain can make us believe something is real when it in fact is not. This can happen both when we are sleeping and when we are awake when our body is encountering some extreme conditions or stress. Dr. Alexander’s body was enduring some extreme conditions. So how can we or Dr. Alexander know if this was something he truly experienced or was it a manifestation of his brain to help him cope with what he was going through? We cannot know. Because of this I am still not convinced in “heaven” or the afterlife.

    1. so how do you explain all those videos of astronauts shooting videos of objects in space that seem to flutter about in all different directions even if they are not aliens they definitively seem spirit like even i have a video taken of something in the middle of the night of two bright objects fairly close to me a bit bigger than a lightning bug and certainly not car lights as they were floating almost next to me someday i shall get the nerve to post it on youtube.

  3. In a deep meditative experience i left my body, traveled up the dimensions and thru the cosmic fire, before realising it was not yet time to leave earth as i would miss first hand experience of wondrous happennings. I ALSO KNEW THAT THOSE WHO BELIEVED IN THEIR OWN HEARTS THAT THEY DESERVE TO BE BURNT UP IN THE CELESTIAL FIRE SURELY WILL ! You really stumped me when you came to the same conclusion. Thank you for validating my experience as we humans do tend to doubt much, even after amasing experiences with the true reality. When i re-enterred the body it had a lid on it like a box i was trapped inside. i am sure many who have had wondrous experiences out of body have had this same feeling of being trapped in a box. i feel that this earth experience will end soon and those with a light heart and loving compassion will soar to higher dimensions, while those rooted in evil will burn in the hell they created, be it here on earth or upon reaching the cosmic fire and burning up. This is the separation of the wheat from the chaff however it happens, i feel it will happen soon. LIVE A HEART CENTERED LIFE is my motto of earthly success.

  4. it’s all about the brain /mind which is the soul connected to the creator. He knows our thoughts. A battle rages for the mind/soul.The battle is called deception.

  5. Thanks, Soul Sisters and Brothers.
    You summed up my religion very eloquently.
    This is exactly true. We function within the concept of good vs. evil.
    The people who reject religion are rejecting religious abuse and false doctrine.
    Sadly, the evil, workers of iniquity, often infiltrate religion, and use it against the good.
    The consience is our measure of good will or ill will towards others.
    It is not necessary to harm others, in order to survive on earth.
    The conscience is how we discern a degree of fairness, in self-defense.
    It is not necessary to sabotage others, in order to survive on earth.
    We are mortals. We age, get sick, and die.
    It is not necessary to cause others to suffer, in our attempt to control our own lives on earth. Sadly, the abuse of power, illudes the powerful. Power trips, and insecurities are the sources of abuse. Humans CAN live harmoniously on earth, without contstant powerstruggles. Fear is the root of all evil. There is no reason for fear, if we operate from the principle of love, peace, and fairness. The Golden Rule.
    A good conscience is the result of a good spirit. A bad conscience is the result of a bad spirit. The concept of the conscience, knowledge of right from wrong, is the evidence of a higher being. Perhaps people without a conscience, are actually lower, less evolved life forms. People without souls, might exist. Do clones have souls? Are we the children of God? The children of Belial? Most people have analytical abilities. We can choose our own actions, within reason. I have never met an insect that can logically find it’s way around glass window panes! Maybe some people are illogical. Jostling for correct order within human heirarchies is the cause of struggle and war.
    Intrinsically human value is established by what measures? By the amount we value ourselves in relation to the fairness toward the value of those we worship, or need? Subtract the amount of fear, unfairness, injustice, and evil. Who should rule the world or organize our heirarchies. Creature comforts are the ultimate goals of humans on earth. We die. Do we pass/fail the test of our conscience based on one human lifetime on earth? Consciousness is a seperate reality, based on your coma. Our consciousness does continue after our mortal bodies lose consciousness!!! How wonderful. Life after life, is the nicest way to put it! Thank you. Starla

  6. I find this to mostly be unrealistic even illogical.
    1) Please define “Love” as something that is other than a egoic idea – for most it’s a conglomeration of other emotions, feelings, expectations, and ideas that “feed” our egos (respect, honor, compassion, trust, touch, etc…) Not something the universe is going to “give or feel” as it is not coming from a place of Duality.
    2) The idea that there is evil out there is ridiculous as the Universe/God doesn’t define, or judge, or determine. Plus, how can anything “harm” you if your only a floating consciousness in the web of the universe?
    3, 4, 5, I could go on and on…
    If you want a real dose of what is reality, illusion, truth, check out Mooji on youtube. He’ll put what most mystics, new thought authors, Quantum physicists say – but in Layman’s terms.

  7. Interesting. Being raised in a very religious background, then starting to astral travel and talk to my Dad whos passed on in my dreams. Woke me up. None of my questions on astral travel could be explained inthe bible, so I decided to look for truth and research and came to find out woooow am infinite, I have a god spark in me, we are all interconneted. I hope people wake up from this dreamy illusion. It has served me well in all the lifetimes I have been reincarnating in this beautiful planet. We are moving to a new dimension that transcends duality.

  8. The main problem I have with Dr. Alexander’s account is he still had some physiological activity and never completely died. He was in a coma. Because of this, he was still having very human experiences. This leads me to believe that even in the broader picture of NDE’s and OBE’s we are only hearing the human experience of dieing and not the revelation of an afterlife.

  9. I seen superman in my room when I had a real high fever as a child. When your brain is dying you see all kinds of things then its lights out forever. The good doctor is probably wrong.

  10. I notice he did not mention the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. The son of God who died to reconcile us with God, redeeming us through his shed blood. He rose again and demonstrated his power and victory of sin, death and the devil. He is exalted to God the fathers right hand side in heaven. All who recieved and believe in him for salvation are secured a place in heaven for eternity, this is eternal life, to believe in the one true living God and the one/son he sent Jesus Christ this is eternal lfe. He that has the son (Jesus) has life, but he does not believe in the son of God has not life but is condemned already. It is not our works that enable us to go to heaven it is only through the Lord Jesus and his finished work on the cross. Repent and believe the Gospel.

    1. I noticed the same thing while reading this… there is no mention of Jesus at all… I would think, that since Jesus IS thee door whereby we MUST enter in… he would have mentioned Him… therefore I question the validity of his experience…

    2. it might be helpful to remember that Jesus said, ” I am of my Father. He is in me and I am in you.” This is a statement of Singularity. It is the invitation to accept His resurrection as your own. He is included in the Ascension that is described herein because he demonstrated it. No one is leaving Jesus out or omitting His demonstration. In fact, because he demonstrated Resurrection, we know that it is possible for us. Because He overcame evil, so did you/I. This is what it means to forgive the world and let it go; to be in the world and not of it. You are the only thing condemning anyone, for Jesus also demonstrated forgiveness and teaches that we are not to judge. Be at peace with His teachings and let him show you that the door to freedom is already opened. See you there, my holy brothers and sisters!

      1. Well said. Jesus IS God, but he also said that we are too. Jesus was no different from us, the only difference was that he understood the way to higher realms. Also, remember most of the Bible was put together, edited, and written many years after Jesus and no one knows who did. So what you read is an edited version, made official by a group of biased people 300 years after Jesus, under the order of an Roman emperor who came from a pagan background.

  11. It is comforting to read a view that puts our present sufferings into a whole other dimension.
    Is our suffering only a test, so we will be prepared for another stage in another world?
    Personally , I was done with this life already at age 17. But since suicide is unbiblical I have stuck things out so far. I am now 60 and am in the middle of my greatest test ever: I love my 5 grandchildren, but my son in law controls my daughter’s mind so completely, that she has put a restraining order against me. My grandchildren love me. I dream beautiful dreams of seeing them, and then I wake up in the morning, and I am back to this life, that seems so inferior. This life is a test, as a jewish author by the name of Esther Jungreis titled her book. On the day of my Mother’s death I had to be in court, receiving a 2 year sentence of a restraining order. There was no mercy . I am a Jew and my son in law is an Antisemite. 11 years of this his repeated actions of Antisemitism has me despaired . Pray for my son in law , Adam Slind, a boxer, who views life from the angle of “power and Control”. He has made me crave God more than ever. Before the flood, the earth was filled with violence. A gradual flooding is now taking place and “God sits enthroned at the flood” is also taking place. A major flood in the Inland Northwest will kill me, one that God showed me will happen.Baruch Hashem, I am ready for the next world.Juliane Adams

    1. taken from “The Warning”

      Think of the world as if it is a living person suffering from a terrible illness. He must suffer, feel pain, and endure the period during which the disease is treated by his doctor.

      Many people respond to treatment quickly. Others more slowly. Others not at all. Some patients have hope and accept that their body will have to endure a sometimes-painful treatment before he will feel well and healthy again.

      The world is suffering from an infestation caused by the influence of Satan where he, and his demons, coax, tempt and convince God’s children that sin does not exist.

      They plunge from one crisis of the spirit to the next. How they displease My beloved Father. How much pain they will have to endure before they can live life the way in which the Laws of God dictate.

      Once this illness, however, is treated and after the pain has gone, much of humanity will be cleansed and will then be ready for the long awaited Era of Peace. The Era of Peace, promised to all those who follow God’s Teachings, will await those who have redeemed themselves before My Eyes.

      Each of you will be shown the Truth. Then you will be able to distinguish between the ugliness of sin and that of the purity, which is required to enter My Glorious Kingdom.

      so wait and see… he will be AWAKE soon enough to the sins of his past.

      Peace and God Bless

  12. I had an out of body experience in 1980, had a hysterectomy and when the went to wake me, a code blue was called, I saw all happening and also saw a beautiful light, my grampa was there telling me not yet, the nurse tripeed on the bed peddle and bamm I was back in my body, no one really beleived me, very few did and still to this day I remember this.

  13. I cannot say that I have experienced any of this, but I have done much research on people who did…people who have had NDE and OBE. What Dr. Alexander says here is very consistent with what everyone else have been saying. However, I disagree about people burning in hell for eternity…although there is such a place and people do end up there, it is not permanent and serves as a lesson (more similar to the Purgatory in Catholics beliefs).

  14. I truly believe what Dr Alexander’s went through and I truly believe that all this is not a coincidence… What a great honor to know we were chosen as the most courageous souls of all, and now that you know be strong and don’t fail the test and keep fighting as a great soldier of God !! Ephesians 6:10-20

  15. Thank you for this brilliant article/review. Many of us know, from the core of our Self-being, that this is true! We celebrate this by accepting the Light and love within and sharing that Light with others. We do this because we know that we are not separate from anything we perceive.
    I take (an unattached) issue with the idea that souls will eternally burn in hell, for it feels as though this is a reach into fear-based, consequence-driven behavior control. Some souls forget the beauty of creation so deeply that they make mistakes and drive their own earth experience into the depths of hell while here, and in so doing drag other willing souls with them. In human words, (we) they make sin real.
    If we are in fact over-coming evil, that exercise requires uncompromising inclusion: Even when an individual’s behavior is unfathomably “wrong”, overcoming evil requires compassionate response. This is the nature of forgiveness. It recognizes a call for healing, love and remembrance of eternal, beautiful reality. It is (my) personal responsibility to reach to this frequency of perceived mistaken behavior, harmonize with it and include it in with my own unique tone…to blend with it so perfectly that “it”/the soul can remember & rejoice in the universal harmonic where we abide eternally.
    Thank you again and…see you in the Light!

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