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Stigmergic governance via the web – a way to govern society without a government


In My piece, The End of Entropy, I propose the following:

With a central website, in forum style, to address major issues – divided into local sections, regional sections and global sections, with “votes” at a certain level elevating the problems and solutions to the next level to be voted on by a greater number – we can collectively coordinate to solve the issues of this planet. Social responsibility will be seen as spending 15 minutes a day (or more) reviewing the issues on this site. This seed parameter will see an emergence of human unity as a race and as a planet.

What is there proposed is a stigmergic governance – a way to govern society without a governMENT. In a system with no money or need for exchange, stigmergic governance will work – as long as there are money interests, it is unlikely to, with votes bought, up or down, and other disruptive aspects. This is what I propose in a free energy/robot system where no money is needed (read The End of Entropy for a picture of how this works). If You are unfamiliar with the term, stigmergy, a good place to get a handle on the term is http://journal.media-culture.org.au/0605/03-elliott.php

A very good illustration of stigmergy is Linux. In this case, one Individual created a basic program and offered it freely in open source. Others came along and began to improve upon it, create software to run on it, and so on. There was no “leader” in this group – those who wanted to get involved did so – and from the initial basic program, a whole creative “empire” came to be…all entirely free and freely.

And so, from this aspect of Our nature to do work on things We care about, whether We are paid or not, I developed a system of governance. The basic idea is a central website divided into local, regional, continental and global sections. Much like a forum, People could post problems They see to Their local section (or any other local section where the problem may exhibit itself). Others, reviewing the site, may “vote” to say They think the subject is a problem too, with “stars” or “thumbs up” or whatever. Votes down are also allowed. Apathy can be demonstrated by not voting at all.

Solutions can be posted and be “cheered” or “booed.” In the event a solution is seen to be a good one, leaders of the moment will act to implement the solution. It can be the original poster or any Other concerned individual – the leaders will emerge to solve the problem.

When enough votes up occur without a solution that is seen as particularly good, the issue is elevated to the next level, the regional level, where more minds can work on the problem, offering help and/or solutions. More People can vote the problem up or down.

And so on up to the global level. If a problem is so severe and/or important that it reaches the global level and STILL no solution is found, I guess the Human race is SOL. But few problems will reach that level, and virtually never will they go unsolved.

The difference between a forum and the site will be that problems will be listed not in terms of date added but in terms of the net number of votes up (votes up minus votes down). Also, there will be a section of issues unread.

The original poster will have the ability to remove a problem once it is solved or is no longer a problem, at which point it will be archived. Problems with no activity for three months (or six, or some number as deemed reasonable) will drop off and be archived.

There will be a special section for emergencies – and Those whose bliss it is to help in any given emergency will be able to monitor this section and take action. Those who care will be enabled to help.

Here is a breakdown of how it will work:

Sue has a problem – any problem at all. She goes to the website and posts it. Her neighbors (and anyOne else) can vote relative to Her problem. They can offer solutions. Discussion of the problem and its solutions can take place in the problem thread, just as in a forum, and from that, Her problem will likely be solved or will not be seen as a problem by Others. If no One else sees a problem, no votes up will be received – and Sue will have to make do with what She sees as a problem, finding Her own solution. This will be rare. If no One else sees a problem…chances are it really isn’t a problem to begin with.

As an example, Let’s say Sue has a problem with noisy neighbors. She posts the problem. Others ask if She has talked to the neighbors. Yes, Sure replies, She has. SomeOne suggests that She move. Another suggests ordering and installing soundproofing. Sue considers Her options and decides the move is better than the soundproofing. She thanks the People for the suggestion and indicates the problem has been solved.

Instead, Let’s say the problem is more difficult. A dam above Her house is showing signs of giving way and She reports this. Many others see that They are threatened too. They vote the problem up. Some also start making suggestions: get robots out there to shore the dam up. Drain the water behind the dam. So on and so forth. Discussion ensues, and meanwhile more People, though not immediately affected, see that it IS a problem and vote it up.

Soon, it reaches the regional level, and someOne who has experience dealing with such problems chimes in with His solution. Many cheer it and that One begins the process of solving the problem. Those who care join to help. He directs them and the problem is solved.

Maybe it’s an asteroid heading for the earth – this will likely reach the global level swiftly, and those who have the knowhow and wherewithal to go into space and plant charges to blow it up or divert it come to the fore as the leaders…

In this way, We Humans can be directly involved in running Our planet, allowing the BEST solutions to be implemented (and not the most profitable or cheapest).

As I mentioned, this is not a system for use where moneyed interests are involved. In fact… No governing system works well as long as money is involved. This is one more reason to eliminate money as a necessity.

Twitter: @AmaterasuSolar

by Amaterasu Solar


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  1. I would be happy for a non-money system to be created; but I don’t really see how it can work. For example, I paint pictures for income. I would still paint them even I received no income and gave them away. But without that income I cannot buy paint, or paper, or canvas. Eventually I would have to give up.

    Do you seriously think a supplier is gonna let me walk into their shop and just TAKE what I want? And is the supplier going to fill his shop just by walking into the paint factory or the canvas factory and TAKING what he wants? If he runs a shop like this, what benefit does HE get from it, if there’s no financial reward? Would ANYONE waste their time all day running a shop, if there was no reward?

    Or maybe we just have to give up all our interests because there won’t be anyone out there making the products or supplying the materials. No more crafts, no more hobbies; no more birdwatching, cos there’s no more binoculars; no more model aeroplanes;…. Don’t tell me people will just spend their time “communicating” and running around helping others and doing good works. Who will farm the land? We are not all farmers by nature; who will grow the food? feed the animals? who will make the animal-feed? who will make our medicines? Who will build the houses? and all without a money system? Rubbish. There HAS to be some form of exchange.

    1. I might recommend reading My novella. In it I show – interestingly enough – a painter in The Abundance Paradigm. She orders Her supplies online. All supplies are made by robots and People who LOVE to make such things – so no cost. She paints a picture and uploads a pic of it to Her list. Several People express interest, and She chooses one of Them to receive the painting, based on who would appreciate Her work the most. (My book has the 2012 edition of My 2009 piece, first link at bottom of this link: https://watchers.news/2012/10/20/the-end-entropy-a-look-entropic-world-evidence-supporting-change/ )

      As to how to get there, add free energy, the cost of energy is removed, add robots to do all necessary work no One WANTS to do, and the cost of Human energy is removed. What is left is freely given by Our planet. (100% of the cost of EVERYTHING is energy.)

      Though there will be “shops,’ they will be run by People who LOVE to offer whatever the product, who love meeting People and giving things to Ones who appreciate them.

      Farming can be handled organically with small robots to till the fields, plant seed, weed, water, and remove bugs from the edible parts of the plant. Robots will tend the animals. Robots will grow feed. Robots will make binoculars. And so on…and also the People who LOVE to do these things. Plenty of People who would love a chance to research new drugs – ones that actually help and not sicken further for profit…

      What will People do? What do People do on Their days off? Many have avocations – and they will become the “vocations” in abundance. Some love to serve and protect. Some love to solve problems. Some love to program robots. Some love to build robots. Some love to do research. Some love to do archaeology. Some love to heal Others. And on and on. In this way, the work that is done will be done out of love and not economic necessity.

      So… No. There does NOT have to be a medium of exchange .

  2. If you don’t bend you break. The money system has done nothing but waste exploit people resources and even minds. I find this openminded and openended. . .meaning that with than many minds looking for a solution. . .and not a way to exploit the intention or solution. . .it the benefit with overall be much more energetic without compromising. . and goal oriented.

    For those of you who still believe in the money system. . .please look into the ashes, the wars, our gulf coast here in America. . .and the exploitation of the earth resources . . .and people.

    If there is gonna be a give and take. . .barter. We are being fools here with what we have been given. . .the amount of waste. . needless exploitation of resources, minds and lives. .

    Your idea isn’t new. I stated that some years ago. . .but as everyone knows in the human family. . .no individual ‘owns’ it. . .as in thought. . .because we really are connected.

    Just like my . . .Uncle (NASA) was perfecting the patent for the laser. . .waited to put the final touches on it. . .and someone in NC beat him to it. . .by like just a week.

    hmmm your have to admit. . .it. . .the human family one. . .and some level we should grow by recognizing this truth.

    1. Thank You for Your input. Along with this, if We add free energy and robots to do what is necessary but We do not want to do it (or not enough of Us do), We eliminate the need for money (exchange) in all its forms. Barter, trade, shells, beads, coins, bills, checks, electronic funds.

      For more on that, please see the first in this series:


      1. I’m sure your intentions are good, but you will not defeat entropy. The system you propose will itself eventually succumb to entropy and degenerate. The only end result of that degeneration I can see in the end is Mob Rule.

        1. One has to realize what no need for money (exchange) combined with this system offers. There is no motive to find the cheapest or most profitable solution to problems, since price does not have meaning.

          If You think this will “succumb to entropy and degenerate,” please show how. Entropy is a function of energy scarcity. In energy abundance, there is no entropy.

          1. In energy abundance, there is always change, and change brings about permutations, and permutations bring about entropy of the original design, whatever that is. Money, itself a system for passing energy around, in fact can be considered a form of congealed energy.

            Have you ever read Resurrection, Inc., by Kevin Anderson? Same idea, but different method. In the novel, working stiffs, given all the time in the world to do whatever they wanted, sat around and surfed the Web and watched TV all day, or just went outside and sat around and felt resentful that their reason for getting up in the morning, their purpose had been taken away from them. Doing their jobs was the limit of their ambition, and now they had, in their minds, nothing to do because they weren’t interested in any high-falutin’ ideas of archaeology or archaeoastronomy or aromatherapy or anything else like that. They wanted to do their job and have a beer and be with their families and maybe to a Sudoku every once in awhile, but most of all, they wanted their purpose back.

            OK, I think that’s enough for now. Your turn.

          2. The misconception that Humans will “[sit] around and [feel] resentful that their reason for getting up in the morning, their purpose had been taken away from them” is prevalent in SF ideas. However… It is not true. It comes from the fact that many, unable to afford to do anything but sit (watching TV, on computer, whatever), sleep, and have sex, will behave like that.

            If They could AFFORD to go to Mayan ruins and do archaeological work there (after AFFORDING schooling), They would be off in a heartbeat – or maybe not for Mayan ruins – maybe researching, organizing, or even fishing or hiking or camping or dancing or being an actor or an artist or historian or movie maker or director of plays or… Once the money limitation is removed, and especially when a Betterment Ethic is instilled, Humans on the whole will create Their purpose based on Their bliss.

            And besides… If someOne WANTS to sit in a sweatshop all day and sew sleeves on garments along side the robots…nothing to stop Them.

            Yeah, there will be a few couch potatoes. By and large, though, that will not happen. And even if some People choose to be couch potatoes (because it is Their bliss…) so what? No One else is harmed. They are not a “drain…” So… Let ’em.

          3. You seem so sure of this. After the Joe Average turistas go and see the Mayan Ruins and Chichen Itza and Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, what happens when they get tired of being on the road and just want to go home? I don’t think they’ll sit on their bums and study Socrates all day, but there’s always the next episode of Honey Boo-Boo.

            Ask yourself why high-energy stars, such as the blue super-giants, burn out a million times faster than the red dwarfs. Why people with high metabolisms tend to live shorter lives than people with slow metabolisms. More energy=more entropy, not less. You want to bring about the end of the world? Give people everything they need to feed their appetites and watch them choke on it.

          4. First, You assume that Avg Jo(e) would be “on the road;” I see air cars. Houses that float… I hear there’s fairly good evidence that We have teleportation in the black projects…

            I bet if You asked People if They could find something to do with Themselves the rest of Their lives if They didn’t have to worry about money, most would say, “Yes.”

            Most People either hate Their jobs, or at least wouldn’t miss them. How many People do You think would also answer, Yes,” if asked if They would retire today with an unlimited bank account if They had the option?

            I say virtually all of Us would. And that is what I offer effectively in The Abundance Paradigm. No One HAS to take retirement – but They CAN if They want, and live life as if money was no object – because it isn’t.

            Somehow denying most of Us true and pure freedom because there might be a NOT-SO-Avg Jo(e) who couldn’t handle it seems… Patently absurd, frankly.

          5. The Human race already has what it takes to destroy the planet several times over… Having flying cars, floating cities and no more bills doesn’t seem like it would to anything but EASE tensions – and Individuals have little power to go about wreaking large havoc (Toadies are only kept as a rule as long as You pay Them). Crime will drop dramatically and the few who might “go rogue” will be handled much as We handle Them today.

            When People are encouraged to seek Their bliss, They will. It may change as time goes on, but They will seek bliss.

            And don’t think sport will meet its demise. The players, however, will be playing because They LOVE to play, and the fans will watch because They LOVE to watch. All the politics of money will be gone; the sport will remain.

          6. Again, you seem certain of this, despite all evidence to the contrary. Why? People need challenges to thrive. Some are internally motivated and set their own challenges, but others are externally motivated and need to be pushed. Two questions: 1. What happens when different sets of ambitions conflict? How do you propose to decide which set of ambitions takes precedence and how to you propose to enforce this decision. And say, if some rich crass bastard decides to be another Hitler and take over his corner of paradise to remake it in his image (and there we have another question: How do we get rid of the rich crass bastards of the world), how do you propose to stop him without some system of government to command a military and make crucial decisions relating to justice and legal matters? There would also have to be a war crimes tribunal and some legal system to enforce the decision of the court. Then we would need someone to hunt down those who escape into hiding and bring then to justice… or do you propose to allow them to run free? We have not yet evolved to the point where government becomes necessary?

            What about famine? How do we ensure in those times that those who are able to do not take more than their fair share? Do we simply crowdsource our injustice out of existence? And you’ve seen how a Twitter meme can come along and completely destroy someone’s image that takes that person years to cultivate. People are mean, people are spiteful, people are crass and cruel, and yes, all those despite having the means to be whatever they want to be and do whatever they want to do. Hence the term “Rich Crass Bastard”. Would you create a whole planet of people who are not rich, but might as well be, and crass bastards on top of it?

          7. “We have not yet evolved to the point where government becomes necessary?”

            I meant to write “unnecessary” and punctuate it with a period, but somehow, this may do just as well. Once we evolved past a certain stage, central governments became necessary, and until we EVOLVE past this stage, they will remain so.

          8. Ok, then I think I’ve made my point.

            Your idea, while laudable, would require about a hundred thousand more years (at least) of evolution on our part before it becomes something we can all agree to live by. But anything’s possible, I imagine. Perhaps, in a hundred thousand years, one of your spiritual descendants will get back to us with an improved version of what you propose, and perhaps, by then, we will be spiritually and societally evolved enough to accept it.

    1. Once again, lets us state for the record as has ‘ophu!’ After reviewing the plethora of writings and ideology presented by Amaterasu Solar, we find nothing new in any approach therein, or thereby, appertaining to any social solution oriented political paradigms, as proffered!

      Lacking the aforementioned facts or means applicable to either ‘ophu’s’ statements or our own, on the subject matter at hand, most certainly will reduce the reasonable outcome presumed, by those less informed left to discovering the ludicrous incalculable difficulties, when faced with the historical ability of people in general, who are more willing to suffer a long train of ills or abuses, rather than right them! Especially by any so-called individuals, unwilling to accept any organized framework of power and/or any just administration thereof, which more than likely, will be considered as rogue elements outlawed, by those reasonably taking upon themselves the Powers of Earth in self-determination, while exercising such just administrative authorities assumed thereof, however formed, in the support of this Natural Rights to which the Laws of Nature and Nature’s (Science of Right Reason) Creator have entitle each, for the purposes of establishing orderly Good Will in the interest of Universal Peace with All Walks of Life!.

      Again, as stated previously in other postings, we express ourselves only with the utmost respect given toward any who ponder the general subject matter, touching upon either local, national, international, universal, or multiversal governance, of, by, and for All Walks of Life, we wish to proffer for those presently or otherwise, our labor in consideration thereof, as others become similarly minded or situated, of the duty that we each owe to one another via Good Will, in the interest of Creative Peace for All Walks of Life, that the Laws of Nature and Nature’s Science of Right Reason entitle each.

      To these aforementioned ends, consider that many have come before us down the eons of time (to many to mention), who’ve pondered similar questions and left the efforts of their works (resting upon the chance opportunity for prepared minds) for future considerations, as humanity evolves for better or worse. The choices of better or worse, have always been predicated upon the exercise of free will and any motives, whether good or evil matters not. Why do we say this? Simply put, people have long accepted that evil exist when Good Men do nothing! But in fact, this illicitly accepted mores, is the furthest from the self-evident truths. Why? Because Good Men know there is never a wrong time to do what is right! But, to survive as a species the balance between such mores, will always tend to be answered by those facing the simplest of these questions. And the answers coming from each to his own, will be answered in the same fashion, as others down eons of time who’ve left us steppingstones for such considerations, specifically addressing the most ancient of questions, e.g., ‘[w]hen does the Good of the Whole out way the One or vice versa?’

      The answer to these questions will always vary depending upon the nature of circumstances and whether humanity will continue to suffer the long train of abuses for which it has come accustom to far too long!

      We (of the Sovereign Earth Alliance), can only hope for the best, plan for the worst, and strive for the greatest advantage in every respect for the continuing viability of our humanity and unalienable to right to self-determination via the Universal Principles espoused out from the auspices thereof. While we continue to recognize the sovereignty of All Walks of Life and the reasonable self-determinations thereof. This is our duty, or rather, this is our heritage (steppingstones) left to us by our Ancestors of both Happy & Honorable Memory!

      But to cut short any attempt of our efforts herein, to lengthen any discussion unwarranted, we leave All Walks of Life to ponder the ideology associated with our humble efforts via the Sovereign Earth Alliance. To these ends, we extend not only our hands in Universal Peace but as well, any hope we may have in Humanity, for your continued efforts to seek further perfections, when contemplating whether your conditions are presently perfect or otherwise, appertaining to your suitability to evolving more perfectly in the interest of self-governance amongst All Walks of Life in the interest of Universal Peace or otherwise.

      In addition, what ‘Amaterasu Solar’ proffers has already been contemplated and created via 1062.org.

      We mention this only for the benefit of ‘Amaterasu Solar’ Who wishes to believe the three laws is something new or the idea of what he suggest via the use of the internet! But as we have stated before, we see the possibility of the eventual demise thereof, predicated upon the same issues as did ‘Isaac Asimov’ via ‘Solaria’, within his ‘Robot’ series of writings.

      For those who contemplate labor and any exchange in relationship thereto, for either goods or services, any and every circumstances related thereto, should consider that any material exchange (energy for energy) for whatever reasons, should be measured in justifiable balances by the one laboring and any other wants associated forthwith thereof. Our efforts, are only to assure that the scales of such balances betwixt such matters, remain free from illicit encumbrances, while remembering every honorable laborer is worthy of their hire. And to establish whether honor may exists, may be determined simply by the selfsame Universal Principles of Contract Law. In this simple approach, All Walks of Life may be assured of the equality of any exchange and the independence to determine for themselves, the true measure of honor that may exist or otherwise, either in the interests of the specific individuals or the effects thereof, upon the collective of All Walks of Life, to ever hope to preserve Universal Peace respectively.

      In conclusion, we leave All Walks of Life with these thoughts as each seek to discover their own perfect condition and their willingness to either work with others reasonable or otherwise, to wit:

      The self-evident ‘Natural Rights’ of any individual, minority, or otherwise, whether individually or collectively, should never be subjugated, whenever reasonable means via a meeting of the minds (negotiations) are used, to create or approach any established society or compact thereof, when in the course of Human endeavor, it becomes necessary to bargain for One’s Natural Rights respectively, for the purposes of exercising any such Natural Rights, to which Nature’s Laws and Nature’s Science of Right Reason entitle them.

      But, wherefore, whenever the ends of negotiations predicated upon Nature’s Science of Right Reason, with any society are disrespected, dishonored, or perverted, and either private and/or public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of peaceful redress are ineffectual, people may, and of Natural Right ought, to reform the old whenever reasonably possible, or establish any new society via variation by agreement for the preservation of these self-evident Natural Rights; the ‘Doctrine of Non-Resistance’ against arbitrary powers and oppression by unregulated monopolies, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the Good Will and Pursuit of Happiness of All Walks of Life.

      Most graciously ‘In Honor We Trust,’
      Magnus Regnant of the Sovereign Earth Alliance

      NOTICE: U.P.C. Applicable.

      1. Again, I struggled to distill Your words to a point here. Perhaps My work does not provide “something new,” per se. That is irrelevant to its function.

        What would be absolutely new is free energy available on a personal level, no need for exchange because of that, and no central governMENT. No One controlling minds.

        Also, only REAL problems will be addressed, not manufactured problems so as to elicit a reaction to be managed into a more controllable “solution.”

        What would be absolutely new is autonomous control over Self but no Others…

        The IDEAS may not be new, but the application of the ideas WILL provide something new on this planet – something never before available because it requires robots and free energy. Only now are We at the level where We can do this.

  3. I feel I’m riding a Republican Senator’s horse… ‘NAY NAY NAY
    I cannot but applaud the sentiment, but if we can’t even get the U.N. to agree on issues of basic human dignity, how on earth (literally) can we expect accord on a global scale.
    Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    1. Since TAP benefits ALL (except those with power over Others (1%ish), and then, all TAP does is remove power over Others), regardless of beliefs or physical configuration, if the ideas hit the tipping point, We, Humanity, will make this choice.

      Yes, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. But Humanity as a whole will not corrupt itself, and TAP offers autonomous power over Self but no Others.

      Rather than nay-say, help spread awareness of this to the tipping point.

  4. I think that you have found the right direction for humanity. Bravo to you in your excellent view for humanity’s future; few have bothered to think beyond the tips of their noses.

    1. Thank You so much, Teresa. [smile] I spent 50 years of My life trying to figure out what was wrong with the world and finding a solution. I am so humbled to find I have, it seems, succeeded.

  5. I agree with this, BUT the ‘one eye’ symbolism should not be on it… and for that I would not trust it, for everywhere that eye and/or triangle is, corruption and groups whom think they have the divine right to rule over humanity follow. Weather you believe it or not, that is what they believe. This world is all of ours, just as much mine as it is yours.. With anything to do with computers can be scripted and edited or manipulated so a online based government would just be a part of a NWO with a few controlling what happens, while people think there say counts… sounds familiar right?

    1. As I pointed out elsewhere, THAT specific Eye symbolizes Me looking back at the Eye of Horace – which is the general use of “The Eye” – and the original Eye graphic tiles to create a field of Eyes, representing Consciousness: You, Me, and even Them.

      To see that, check My twitter profile: @AmaterasuSolar

    2. I would add that, I know You’re right about Them. There IS a Them. You do know that open-source radically reduces malicious programming issues? That is why I specifically addressed that. We all woud have the choice to see how our system is programmed. Any issues could be sounded on the central governance site, and more would scrutinize…and any problems would be solved.

  6. Oh, how I love this series…and I thank you 🙂 I particularly liked the short novelette you linked at the end of “Entropy”. I look forward to a world like this, and believe it to be possible. It reminded me of a book I read and shared many years ago called “Ecotopia”. We can do this! Please keep them coming…

    1. I am grateful for All who see the path I suggest here. Thank YOU for expressing it. In fact, the novella came first and an updated version is included (and is first) in My book available on Kindle.

  7. Greetings to Whom Peace brings Good Will toward these presents,

    Now to the matter at hand:

    With the utmost respect given toward any who ponder the general subject matter, touching upon either local, national, international, universal, or multiversal governance, of, by, and for All Walks of Life, we wish to proffer for those presently or otherwise, our labor in consideration thereof, as others become similarly minded or situated, of the duty that we each owe to one another via Good Will, in the interest of Creative Peace for All Walks of Life, that the Laws of Nature and Nature’s Science of Right Reason entitle each.

    To these aforementioned ends, consider that many have come before us down the eons of time (to many to mention), who’ve pondered similar questions and left the efforts of their works (resting upon the chance opportunity for prepared minds) for future considerations, as humanity evolves for better or worse. The choices of better or worse have always been predicated upon the exercise of free will and the motives, whether good or evil matters not. Why do we say this? Simply put, people have long accepted that evil exist when Good Men do nothing! But in fact, this illicitly accepted mores, is the furthest from the self-evident truths. Why? Because Good Men know there is never a wrong time to do what is right! But, to survive as a species the balance between such mores, will always tend to be answered by those facing the simplest of these questions. And the answers coming from each to his own, will be answered in the same fashion, as others down eons of time who’ve left us steppingstones for such considerations, specifically addressing the most ancient of questions, e.g., ‘[w]hen does the Good of the Whole out way the One or vice versa?’

    The answer to these questions will always vary depending upon the nature of circumstances and whether humanity will continue to suffer the long train of abuses for which it has come accustom too far to long!

    We (of the Sovereign Earth Alliance), can only hope for the best, plan for the worst, and strive for the greatest advantage in every respect for the continuing viability of our humanity and unalienable to right to self-determination via the Universal Principles espoused out from the auspices thereof. While we continue to recognize the sovereignty of All Walks of Life and the reasonable self-determinations thereof. This is our duty, or rather, this is our heritage (steppingstones) left to us by our Ancestors of both Happy & Honorable Memory!

    But to cut short any attempt of our efforts herein, to lengthen any discussion unwarranted, we leave All Walks of Life to ponder the ideology associated with our humble efforts via the Sovereign Earth Alliance. To these ends, we extend not only our hands in Universal Peace but as well, any hope we may have in Humanity, for your continued efforts to seek further perfections, when contemplating whether your conditions are presently perfect or otherwise, appertaining to your suitability to evolving more perfectly in the interest of self-governance amongst All Walks of Life in the interest of Universal Peace or otherwise.

    In addition, what ‘Amaterasu Solar’ proffers has already been contemplated and created via 1062.org. We mention this only for the benefit of ‘Dmitriy Ivanov.’ And we must say, their past efforts, as presented by those connected thereto, is/was an excellent beginning, along such lines of thought, which ‘Amaterasu Solar’ discusses in his writings. But we see the possibility of the eventual demise thereof, predicated upon the same issues as did ‘Isaac Asimov’ via ‘Solaria’, within his ‘Robot’ series of writings.

    As for ‘Igor’s’ commentary, touching upon several issues, these issues can be explicitly and succinctly dealt with via the Universal Principles of Contract Law created and adopted by the Sovereign Earth Alliance.

    For those who contemplate labor and any exchange in relationship thereto, for either goods or services, any and every circumstances related thereto, should consider that any material exchange (energy for energy) for whatever reasons, should be measured in justifiable balances by the one laboring and any other wants associated forthwith thereof. Our efforts, are only to assure that the scales of such balances betwixt such matters, remain free from illicit encumbrances, while remembering every honorable laborer is worthy of their hire. And to establish whether honor may exists, may be determined simply by the selfsame Universal Principles of Contract Law. In this simple approach, All Walks of Life may be assured of the equality of any exchange and the independence to determine for themselves, the true measure of honor that may exist or otherwise, either in the interests of the specific individuals or the effects thereof, upon the collective of All Walks of Life, to ever hope to preserve Universal Peace respectively.

    In conclusion, we leave All Walks of Life with these thoughts as each seek to discover their own perfect condition and their willingness to either work with others reasonable of otherwise, to wit:

    The self-evident ‘Natural Rights’ of any individual, minority, or otherwise, whether individually or collectively, should never be subjugated, whenever reasonable means via a meeting of the minds (negotiations) are used, to create or approach any established society or compact thereof, when in the course of Human endeavor, it becomes necessary to bargain for One’s Natural Rights respectively, for the purposes of exercising any such Natural Rights, to which Nature’s Laws and Nature’s Science of Right Reason entitle them.

    But, wherefore, whenever the ends of negotiations predicated upon Nature’s Science of Right Reason, with any society are disrespected, dishonored, or perverted, and either private and/or public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of peaceful redress are ineffectual, people may, and of Natural Right ought, to reform the old whenever reasonably possible, or establish any new society via variation by agreement for the preservation of these self-evident Natural Rights; the ‘Doctrine of Non-Resistance’ against arbitrary powers and oppression by unregulated monopolies, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the Good Will and Pursuit of Happiness of All Walks of Life.

    Most graciously,
    Magnus Regnant of the Sovereign Earth Alliance

    NOTICE: U.P.C. Applicable.

  8. There is a factor that greatly influences any attempt at higher forms of decision making, on Earth. That is the level of consciousness of the people. Earth populace is of five of the ten levels possible in 3D. This is a formula for disharmony. In the future, about 100 years, Earth will have two levels and harmony will be high. This is because the lower consciousness humans will not be allowed to reincarnate here and the higher frequency of Earth will attract the two higher frequencies of the five. Earth has moved ahead and has left most of us behind because we just aren’t adequately developed, in terms of consciousness. While we wile away the short time left, the decision has already been made, as it should, for those that can’t even get their act together to supply everyone with enough food. Finger pointing is ridiculous, in the face of the dismal mess, the planet is in. I welcome this great change for Earth and expect to end up on some primitive planet.

    1. I am on the fence regarding the concept of ascension. And to Me, it is irrelevant when I see a practical and “down to earth” solution, which included all the pieces in this series…

      Whether there is an ascension or not, the ideas included in The Abundance Paradigm can eliminate poverty, governMENT, oppression, and war. Here. On this planet. If We get the ideas to the tipping point – which is the first step to implementation.

  9. You forgoted about one major factor. humanity is being more and more inhuman.
    Morality of society been weekend. At first place you need completely moral society and than you can aypply this model. In other case it could have catastophic consequences, because you forgotted how people behave on internet forums etc. (so much agresivity, intolerance, racism and evil radiates from the posts)

    1. All the issues You mention are a function of the scarcity paradigm. As noted, it will not function well while We have a need for money.

      Secondly, One needs an ETHICAL society; morals are highly subjective. To some it is highly immoral for a woman to wear a bikini in public. In others, not so much. For the foundation of The Abundance Paradigm, read the first installment here: https://watchers.news/2012/10/20/the-end-entropy-a-look-entropic-world-evidence-supporting-change

      The reason People behave so poorly also arises out of scarcity. And truth be told, the percentage of People who choose to behave poorly is statistically speaking in the realm of nil. Most Humans are, if not kind and loving, surely not mean and hateful.

  10. Wow, this is such a great idea that one wonders how it didn’t occur to people earlier! Having even a vague idea of different styles of government in history, I think this is much like the ancient Greek version of democracy, where everyone comes in to serve on the “board of directors” at some point in time. People spend a rediculous amount of time talking nonsense all over the web, I think having real issues to discuss is going to help develop the people also! It’s brilliant and simple and natural for the existing context. I’m totally in, and I”m sharing it all over my facebook.

    Dude, I dig the eye, but I think it’s gonna scare some people.

    1. Thank You so much. The eye represents Me looking right back at the Eye of Horace – and also is a piece of Consciousness. The graphic creates a field of eyes when tiled. See My twitter page… [smile]

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