Researchers reconstruct 11-year solar cycles all the way back to year 969

Researchers reconstruct 11-year solar cycles all the way back to year 969

An international team of researchers reconstructed the Sun's 11-year cycles all the way back to year 969 using measurements of radioactive carbon in tree rings. The findings help scientists better understand the dynamics of the Sun, enabling more accurate dating…

Our changing climate and the variable Sun

Our changing climate and the variable Sun

Solar physicists around the world today are wondering: has the Sun fallen silent? In 2013, the Sun began the peak phase of its 11-year sun spot cycle called the Solar Maximum when sunspot production should be at its highest. However, the lack of sunspot activity has

The weak solar cycle and its consequences

The weak solar cycle and its consequences

At this year's Fall Meeting of American Geophysical Union, held in San Francisco (December 9 – 13), several scientists made a presentation on weak Solar Cycle 24 and its consequences.

They agree that the current solar cycle is on track to be