Intense earthquake swarm near Salton Sea, California

Intense earthquake swarm near Salton Sea, California

An intense earthquake swarm started near Salton Sea, California on September 30, 2020, with 421 earthquakes detected by 07:00 UTC on October 1. The swarm is centered just southeast of Salton Sea, near Westmorland in Imperial Valley, in an area with a history of…

Earthquake swarm under Brawley, Southern California

Earthquake swarm under Brawley, Southern California

A swarm of shallow earthquakes is being registered under the city of Brawley, California since December 31, 2016. Mayor Sam Couchman said the quakes have placed the city of 26 000 on edge. By 15:25 UTC on January 2, 2017, more than 260 small to moderate earthquakes…