"History and Theory of Electricity" – By Eric P. Dollard

"History and Theory of Electricity" – By Eric P. Dollard

The following presentation was made by famous electrical engineer Eric P. Dollard at the Tesla Society around 2007. He is considered by many to be the most knowledgeable expert alive today on the true nature of electricity.

Eric Dollard is author

Mass death of dinosaurs in northern China caused by volcanic eruption

Mass death of dinosaurs in northern China caused by volcanic eruption

Well preserved fossils found at the Jehol Biota, northeast China, suggest that a volcanic eruption in the Cretaceous Era may have caused the mass death of dinosaurs in that region. The fossil formations were similar to remains uncovered from the Roman city of

20 years after devastating M6.7 Northridge earthquake, Los Angeles

20 years after devastating M6.7 Northridge earthquake, Los Angeles

At 4:30 on the morning of January 17, 1994, some 10 million people in the Los Angeles region of southern California were awakened by the shaking of an earthquake. The earthquake, named for its epicenter in the town of Northridge, was a magnitude 6.7 (M = 6.7,

Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency and Form

Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency and Form

This might be one of the most important videos you have ever seen…

"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe." – Nikola Tesla

The World is Waking…

Throughout history,

The women who mapped the universe and still couldn’t get any respect

The women who mapped the universe and still couldn’t get any respect

In 1881, Edward Charles Pickering, director of the Harvard Observatory, had a problem: the volume of data coming into his observatory was exceeding his staff’s ability to analyze it. He also had doubts about his staff’s competence–especially that of

Shock Waves – 100 years after the great San Francisco earthquake

Shock Waves – 100 years after the great San Francisco earthquake

Alongside the Galveston Hurricane of 1900 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005 the earthquake that struck San Francisco and the coast of Northern California in the early hours of April 18, 1906 is still one of the biggest natural disasters in United

Meteorite minerals hint at Earth extinctions, climate change

Meteorite minerals hint at Earth extinctions, climate change

A huge asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs may not have been the only cosmic event to cause mass extinctions or change Earth’s climate. Tiny minerals leftover from many smaller meteorites could provide the geological evidence needed to show how rocks falling

Biggest extinction in history caused by climate-changing meteor

Biggest extinction in history caused by climate-changing meteor

It's well known that the dinosaurs were wiped out 66 million years ago when a meteor hit what is now southern Mexico but evidence is accumulating that the biggest extinction of all, 252.3m years ago, at the end of the Permian period, was also triggered by an impact

The great North American locust plague

The great North American locust plague

Locusts are grasshoppers with some rather unique abilities. Overcrowding triggers their instinct to literally transform themselves.They change their color from green to brown, get more muscular, eat more, mate more and congregate in crowds.

After their