Severe flooding, strong mudflow hit Azerbaijan

Severe flooding, strong mudflow hit Azerbaijan

Torrential rains have lashed Azerbaijan over the past couple of days and caused severe flooding that damaged houses and infrastructure in the country's Goychay, Shamakhi, and Ismayilli districts. At the same time, the rains have caused a strong mudflow that hit…

Cloud seeding flight suspected to aggravate major flooding in Tasmania

Cloud seeding flight suspected to aggravate major flooding in Tasmania

A cloud-seeding company Hydro Tasmania performed the seeding over the Derwent River watershed a day before the widespread flooding, caused by intense rainstorms, began on June 6, 2016. According to Premier Will Hodgman, the Energy Minister Matthew Groom is looking…

Widespread flooding engulfs Accra, Ghana

Widespread flooding engulfs Accra, Ghana

Torrentail rainfalls which started in Ghana on June 9, 2016, caused widespread flooding in Accra. This happened exactly one year after devastating floods and fires killed more than 150 people, and residents are worried it could happen again. Ghana Meteorological…

Another deadly flood wave hits southern Germany

Another deadly flood wave hits southern Germany

More deadly floods hit the state of Bavaria in Germany on June 1, 2016. The region was reportedly devastated, at least 5 people died, and several others went missing. A state of emergency has been declared in the Rottal-Inn, the worst affected district, by Michael…

The one-in-a-hundred years flooding wreaks havoc in France

The one-in-a-hundred years flooding wreaks havoc in France

Torrential downpours have been reported across portions of France over the last couple of days. The Seine-et-Marne and Loiret departments saw 20 days worth of rain over the last 72 hours, and red flood alerts were put in effect on June 1, 2016. Meteo France issued…