
Major X1.3 solar flare erupts from Active Region 2975

A major solar flare measuring X1.3 erupted from Active Region 2975 at 17:37 UTC on March 30, 2022. The event started at 17:21 UTC and ended at 17:46.

The region is located in an area that favors Earth-directed coronal mass ejections (CMEs).

A Type II Radio Emission was registered at 17:32 UTC, with an estimated velocity of 1 424 km/s. Type II emissions occur in association with eruptions on the Sun and typically indicate a coronal mass ejection is associated with a flare event.

In addition, a 10 cm radio burst (540 sfu) and a Type IV Radio Emission were registered. Type IV emissions occur in association with major eruptions on the Sun and are typically associated with strong coronal mass ejections and solar radiation storms.

An R3 – Strong radio blackout was registered over North and South America

Active Region 2975 has a beta-gama-delta magnetic configuration and is capable of producing more strong to major eruptions on the Sun. The chances for Earth-directed CMEs are diminishing as it rotates away from geoeffective position.

This region is responsible for numerous C- and M-class solar flares since M4.0 at 11:29 UTC and M1 at 19:23 on March 28.

Both M-flares mentioned above produced Earth-directed CMEs, expected to combine and reach Earth early March 31. As a result, a G3 – Strong geomagnetic storm watch is in effect.

Shortly after the M4 event, the 10 and 100 MeV proton flux began to rise. The 10 MeV flux reached a peak of 18.7 pfu at 14:50 UTC on March 28 UTC and the 100 MeV flux peaked at 1.27 pfu at 13:25 UTC on March 28.

Featured image: X1.3 solar flare on March 30, 2022. Credit: NASA SDO/AIA 131


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  1. Let’s just say you’re a really good climatologist or astro physicist, getting privately funded, producing really good results, and have no bias one way or the other. Your climate forecasting business has great reliability. You’re absolutely reliable.

    So, you do your studies. Let’s just say you’ve figured out a way to tract solar activity through the decades, centuries, and the millennia. You make a discovery, a true discovery. The Sun is picking up activity on a logarithmic scale. It will eventually go back to normal but for the next hundred or so years that solar storms will hit the earth on a regular basis. Solar CME events, like the mid-19th Century Carrington, will become commonplace. Satellites and many electronics will become useless . Some parts of the earth could reach 200+ degrees. Places like Death Valley or the deserts of Saudi Arabia become death traps.

    So, this researcher limits the viewing on the basis of price. Once in a while the blinders nearly come off, such as when the FAA denies permits for space flight or a British royal asks what is the point of space exploration. Very well off people or realistic government agents see your work and take precautions, various semi-deserted islands in the very upper or lower pole regions of the earth are settled, abandoned deep mines are purchased and refurbished. The foolish Hollywood crowd attracts attention to keep the general public distracted. The ultra-rich are seen less and less.

    Then one day some scientists decide the wild temperature swings just can’t be due to a few million cars that may or may not run for an hour or two a day. So, they do fresh research and come to the same conclusion – the Sun’s neutrino deficit was too large to ignore – much, much too late for Mr., Mrs., or Ms or Dr. John or Joanne R Public.

    But it’s just fiction.

    1. FACT: There are not a “few million cars”, there are over 1.5 Billion gas powered vehicles now on the roads. Never-mind that the pollution from cars is only a fraction of the damage from our lazy and suicidal civilization.

      The shameful truth is that Humankind is rapidly poisoning the global environment, fostering a mass extinction that will likely not only end humanity, but take speciation millions of years to recover from. Anyone who would try to convince you otherwise is poisoning you with lies.

      It’s true that the Earth is not a closed system, and that we are at the mercy of the sun, our parent star. Stars appear to go through a variety of life cycles, and nothing in the universe is truly static or permanent. In 5-7 billion years the sun will swallow the Earth.

      We might also agree that all nations of the Earth would be wise to harden their grid to solar weather, as well as reengineer shipping infrastructures to withstand floods, tides and storms. Pipelines to share water, not oil. Etcetera.

      Unfortunately you seem to want to blame it all on the sun, which is laughably irrational and morally irresponsible. Perhaps lead poisoning or PFAS have stunted your mental function.

      Do you agree that massive natural volcanic events have in the past appear to have been created catastrophic changes to the climate? Can you also concede that 100,000 large industrial cites have the same net effect as constantly erupting super volcanoes?

      Anyone paying attention, is aware that we don’t need the sun’s help destroying ourselves. But you offer the distraction of alternative facts. Why? What is your agenda? Why bury the truth? Corrupt much?

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