
Major X1.0 solar flare erupts from AR 3110

x1-0 solar flare october 2 2022 f

A major solar flare, measuring X1.0 at its peak, erupted at 20:25 UTC on October 2, 2022, from Active Region 3110. The event started at 19:53 and ended at 20:34 UTC.

A Type II Radio Emission, with an estimated velocity of 1 157 km/s, was associated with this event. Type II emissions occur in association with eruptions on the sun and typically indicate a coronal mass ejection is associated with a flare event.

While Region 3110 is moving away from the center of the disk, it’s possible this CME has an Earth-directed component.

The same region produced M8.7 solar flare at 02:21 UTC today, associated with Type IV Radio Emission and 10 cm Radio Burst.1

goes-x-ray-flux-1-minute october 2 2022 x1-0
x1-0 solar flare october 2 2022 1024_0304
DRAP X1-0 solar flare october 2 2022

There are currently 6 numbered sunspot regions on the Earth side of the Sun:

sdo hmi sunspots october 2 2022
3107 – Beta
3110 – Beta
3111 – Alpha
3112 – Beta-Gamma-Delta
3113 – Beta
3114 – Beta

Sunspots on October 2, 2022. Credit: NASA/SDO

Multiple CMEs occurred since October 1.2

The first was a CME off the W limb, associated with an approximate 22 degree long filament eruption, centered near N15W14 beginning at 12:04 UTC on October 1.

The second was produced during the M5.8 solar flare at 20:10 UTC on October 1 and the third during the abovementioned M8.7 at 02:21 UTC today.

Preliminary modeling of the first and second CME show the potential for a glancing blow late on October 3 to early October 4, however, confidence is low due to imagery gaps.

goes-x-ray-flux-1-minute 3 days to october 2 2022

Three CMEs from October 1 have been analyzed, SWPC forecasters noted at 00:30 UTC on October 3.

Model output suggests the final CME overtaking the two earlier CMEs en route, and arriving at earth at around 00:00 UTC on October 4:

Modeling of the CME produced during the X1.0 solar flare indicates a miss.


1 M8.7 solar flare erupts from AR 3110 – The Watchers – October 2, 2022

2 Forecast Discussion Issued: 2022 Oct 02 1230 UTC – Prepared by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center

Featured image credit: SDO/AIA 131


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