
Quantum souls. Part one


The following article is the first in a three-part series dealing with scientific evidence supporting the existence of souls and an afterlife. There may be excerpts from A Quantum Soul in a Newtonian World (Outskirts Press, 2016) and The Quantum Afterlife (due out Fall of 2016).

  1. Science is not the word of … umm … god.

  2. Debunking the debunkers – there can be no proof, but there is scientific evidence, get over it.

  3. TBA

1: Science is not the word of …umm… god.

Ever since the death of my son on September 2, 2014, I have been struggling with the concept of the soul, and by extension the existence of an afterlife. I wish I could believe in it. I want to believe in it. But, as a scientist, I am the type that needs rational arguments to convince me, and it seemed that the soul was too abstract for my mind. I am not one to resort to blind faith to believe in the soul. I needed evidence.  I needed proof.  

I was navigating the web one night, lost in despair, wanting nothing more than to be done with the pain, looking for this evidence – this proof – and I came upon a response from a Rabbi whose name I never did get. The Rabbi was responding to a young man who had lost his brother seven years earlier, who was looking for the same answers that I was.  The Rabbi stated that even if our deceased loved ones were cloned to perfect identical duplication, down to the precise memories of your life together, something would still be missing. That even though that replicate might have your loved one’s expressions and thoughts, voice and mannerisms, s/he would be missing the spark that is unique to your loved one. And, that, he said, is what soul is.  

I read his response over and over again. I realized that the soul – our soul – is the who of a person, rather than the what of a person. That my son had really only left his physical existence, but that he was still there (here?), somewhere, and that we will at some point, in some form, be together again. That we still were. Then I became aware of my own soul, and the souls of others who had passed, and I began to feel a universal tug; and my entire outlook on life, death, and the universe changed forever.  I have walked between the worlds since, one foot in this physical, or Newtonian world, and one in the spirit realm, where quantum properties and characteristics are the norm.

I started to really pay attention to what other people were saying and doing, I began to thoroughly observe, with full sensory acceptance, how animals and plants interacted.  I had been a biologist for decades, but only now was I really seeing what life and death were.  And I was not alone.

With very few exceptions, the people I passively observed and actively interviewed said that they knew that there was something. The phrase life force was used quite a bit.  But when I asked them if they thought this was their soul, they would hesitate. Some answered yes outright but others did not want to get hung up on religious semantics. They didn’t want to associate this spiritual ideal with stringent religious dogma. Very few defined soul using scientific definitions.  

Why, I wondered, are so few people doing research into this, our only truth? We are all born to die. Dying and death are the only absolutes and yet we would rather sweep the concept under the rug and belittle the idea that there is something that enters the body upon birth and leaves upon dying. I decided right then and there to devote the rest of my life to investigating and researching the existence of the soul and all that that entails. Because I am a scientist, I will use scientific methods.  It’s what I know and what I am comfortable with. But I also acknowledge that science is limited and limiting and as such is not the only way to investigate something.  

Those of us who are conducting research into the realm of the beyond, other dimensions, soul’s journey, are blackballed from the rest of the scientific world. People would rather believe that I have lost my mind due to the trauma of losing my child then that I have been enlightened to what really happens upon dying.  The fact of the matter is that the reality lies between the two.  What is most interesting to me is that these same people who like to judge others, who place their own self-righteousness in place as some marker of truth and sanity, claim to believe, absolutely, in other theories and hypotheses which have not been proven, so why this particular bias? For them, it’s ok to know that atoms exist or that DNA is an absolute truth, when much of the science behind both shows only evidence of the existence, but never proof. Nothing in the universe is certain. Nothing.

It is highly probable that atoms and DNA exist. The evidence backs that up. But it is also highly probable that souls exist. The evidence is abundant on this theory as well.  My book, A Quantum Soul in a Newtonian World, goes into detail on this, as does its sequel, A Quantum Afterlife.  

The nay-sayers will say that our thoughts and life energy are simply extensions of the mind, but they can’t define exactly what the mind is.  They say that it is all about impulses and sparks within the neurological network that makes up the brain, but they have no idea what that means either. No one does. Not fully. Not yet.  

They say that we can prove thoughts and emotions as simple brain functions because we can record the changes in brainwaves as they occur. But when near death experiences occur, and complete cessation of brainwaves are recorded, and yet thoughts are still processed, they would rather believe that a dead brain can have hallucinations than that intelligent energy is somehow being transferred, as in a soul, from one dimension to another dimension.  

They will not or cannot accept that there must be an energy, one that we cannot fully measure yet, that makes cells function and communicate, and that drives biological and chemical processes.  There is nothing supernatural about our souls. There is nothing religious about the existence of our true selves. There is really nothing scientific about our souls other than that science is an acceptable means for providing evidence of the possibility of the thing.

When the quantum sciences came along and challenged the cogs and wheels mentality of Newtonian thinkers, they once again were selective in placing limitations. But until the advent of the internet and social media, it was a very hush-hush thing shared only within the science world and only within closed circles. Now it’s not so easy to hide facts and evidence; and it is much easier to share information and experiences.

Through the quantum sciences, in particular quantum biology, evidence of the existence of the very small and non-linear – those things that surround us but are invisible and behave in seemingly magical ways – can be gleaned.  

The idea that we are quantum beings having materialistic experiences is a challenging paradigm for us because we were born into a three dimensional linearly aligned physicality. And for too long, that physicality has been defined within the limitations of Newtonian Laws, or rather by the followers of those laws, often times  with their own interpretations – laws that place us as cogs and wheels in an enormous superficial machine with little room for forces beyond simple matter.

But we are not superficial machines that run on cogs and wheels. We are complex organisms made up of matter that is in turn made up of energy. Our physical bodies may fit neatly into Newton’s very limited world, but the force that drives these bodies, the intelligent energy that is behind thought and emotion, life and death, can only, for now, be explained through quantum science; and through the technologies we have not yet discovered or mastered.

Because of the nature of energy, we are very limited in our understanding of it, and so it becomes this magical thing that we either believe in or not… for now. But remember magic is simply science that has not yet been defined. Thus, anything that is too nebulous to understand, at the time, is labeled magic or philosophy.

We need to remember that at some point in history, in fact several points in history, everything we consider science now was considered magic then. By extension, everything that we consider magical now will be considered scientific in the future as technology evolves and understanding is gleaned. Even what we thought we understood, through scientific methodology, has changed. How many theories and hypotheses have been blown out of the water as we gain better insights?

We must remember that science is merely a human construct in and of itself. We fall under the excuse that magic is of gods, but science is of men. Not everyone believes in gods. Not everyone trusts the wisdoms of men.

We made science. We decided that magic and faith weren’t enough to go by so we created a system that would be more succinct and consistent, an attempt to even the playing field. But that succinctness and consistency is defined by us. We decide what succinct means.  We decide what consistent means. Humans created language. Then we fit our scientific ideals within those constructs. We are making this up as we go along.

Always, the various disciplines of science, regardless of type, focus or methodology, were developed through the minds, hands and hearts of humans using the tools available to us at the time- tools that we either discovered or created, like fire, hammers, and computers.

And, because science is a human construct, it is at the mercy of its creators. Just like magic. Like small gods giving birth to worlds, the creator and the created fused; and the philosophies grew with their followers. And so too did the limitations.

And yet everyone wants scientific proof of anything being espoused. Until they are given that proof, they label the entity as metaphysical, paranormal, or supernatural. But science is not about proof. It is about evidence. Science cannot prove anything because proof is subjective. The only person who can prove anything to me is me. Only I can decide if something is true or not. The evidence of the thing is objective. Evidence cannot buckle under opinion. It’s just data. Personal bias cannot sway evidence. It doesn’t matter what you think, the facts are just the facts.

Selective wiles and cyclical arguments are the hallmarks of close-minded, biased, judgmental people. Why do we care what fanatics from either extreme believe or do not believe? They are ignorant bullies who think that by using words bigger than the ones you use makes them superior and therefore they must be right. They may not be right.  

We have been taught to think in terms of human experiences and not soul experiences. This is a necessity since we are in a physical form in a dimension that is based on time and space. Unfortunately, we get tangled up in this physicality and forget how to communicate that which is most important to our existence. Perhaps that’s part of the experience. We simply need to break through the static.  

We are quantum souls living in a Newtonian world. Science is not the end all to be all, but it’s what we have so let’s use it responsibly recognizing the limitations.

Dr. Angela Dijanic is a retired professor of natural and applied sciences, with over thirty years of experience in scientific research and investigation.  She was a college professor for many years teaching subjects such as biology and chemistry, spent three years as a Medicolegal Death Investigator, and as an Environmental Scientist for the Department of Environmental Protection in Maine, where her son was a student at the University of Maine. In September 2014, she lost her only child, her beloved son Arthur, and has devoted the rest of her life to gathering scientific evidence of the existence and presence of the soul and the afterlife. She has authored a book on the subject entitled A Quantum Soul in a Newtonian World, and is currently working on a much more detailed sequel entitled The Quantum Afterlife.  Angie, as she is known by her friends, currently lives in New York with her four cats.

Featured image credit: Angela Dijanic


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  1. I am a physicist and I did experienced some strange things and visions that I never believed could be possible, after my parents died. Being somehow a scientist I am trying to judge the apparitions without fear and try to explain them not religiously. But I remain with many unexplained things. I read some books but exchanging ideas would somehow help, of course only with people truly experiencing apparitions like those I had.

    1. Hi Monica. I too have that inner struggle. As a scientist I am bound to analyse everything, to look at only cold hard facts, but I have had experiences which do not fit comfortably into that paradigm. We must accept, however, that just because the science to explain these occurrences is lacking now, it may not be in the future. This is especially true if we start to put time, energy and money towards conducting the investigations needed to understanding that which is most important to our existence, rather than trying to develop yet another diversion.

  2. I love science but as you observed, it is a creation of man and less than perfect. Just like the notion that rocks fall from the sky science is sometimes the last to know. Ply bravely.

  3. To find out some secret laws of the universe, it is necessary to know the structure of the universe, and therefore humane human being, which is made up of two entities as well as the universe itself. Immediately to warn all the uninitiated universe, this has nothing to do with religion. This is the beginning of a new science that will lead us to the knowledge of the true causes of the phenomenon around us and in us. And universe and man are two Entity and consisting of: Spiritual Entities (SEU-spiritual entity of the universe) and Soul (spiritual entity of human beings), and the other entities MEEU (material and energy entities of the universe) and the body in man. All in MEEU, as the body is the product patent and SEU, which is managed by the Absolute consciousness of the universe (ACU). This is the unlimited power of creation. Man is formed of various forms of matter and purpose, the SEU governed elements, or programs that are on the verge of power ACU and MEEU. The main carrier of life and collector of all human behavior is the soul as a spark SEU ,, a utilities us focused on getting to know all the laws of nature, or by using our perceptual senses with which commands our UM. The mind is the most obstructionist approximation to the ACU, and on our body instincts and experiencing the torment with our perceptual senses. Such convergence of ACU, can take in much of life, where our soul the same, but the bodies were only “suits” in which the soul survives until it reaches a high level of awareness, when we, using the Soul, we become hologram point ACU, a condition immortality.
    When trying to believe in ACU and SEU, this will change less “suits”
    Today’s science does not and does not want to accept it, and that’s why wandering in the universe with a lot of false theories by which some want to overcome your Creator, but much mistaken.

  4. Thank you Angela for your truthful and heartfelt article about your experience with quantum science, the death of your son and your journey to piece together the spiritual and earthly parts of yourself. You are a brave and strong woman. I admire you and your strength. Anyone who posts comments to the contrary are out of touch with their own psycho spiritual selves. Keep going, we need people like you challenging the norm! xoxo

    1. Thank you Samantha. Its the encouraging words from from people like you that help people like me keep doing what we need to do. I appreciate your support.

  5. Thank you for your honesty. I, too, have been on a similar quest all my life and it is hard to accept that the energy containing the sum total of our life experiences and thoughts just interacts through the photoelectric effect with surrounding atoms and dissipates. Gone forever. I’ve heard or read one is never dead until the last person thinks about them for the last time.

    1. One thought that I have had, and I’m sure it can’t be original, is that the intelligent energy of a dying person enters the living person closest to him or her. The idea is that this keeps happening until the last person in that chain crosses over. Perhaps this is what evolution really is. Your comment about not really being dead until the last person thinks about you for the last time made me think about that concept. I agree wholeheartedly that that energy which does more than just animate us is more than a simple plug into the universe, and when we unplug we’re gone. That notion just seems too limiting and simplistic. The lamp on my desk is given more credit for better energy exchange than is a human, or any living organism for the matter.

  6. That is a brilliant piece of writing, Dr. Dijanic. What a beautiful gift your son’s journey has given you — the search for the existence of Life itself. When the answer to the question, “who am I?” is finally revealed within Consciousness, all separation ends.

    Keep writing. That is clearly your gift to an awakening world.

    1. Thank you D. Yes, my son has given me a beautiful and precious gift in himself. Because of him I know absolute love and joy, and absolute despair. Because of him I know that death is simply life without a physical body, and hope is slowly being restored.

  7. So, if Dr. Dijanic did not loose her son (tragic as it is), she could not be bothered to get interested in, so to speak, esoteric? Great tragedy and perhaps 4 cats can do this a human being. Trying to connect science with mystical has been done many times before. So far nothing.
    I propose to study morphic fields. It probably has more merit.

  8. Wow. I have found a kindred spirit in the author of this post. I could not have written this wonderful piece better myself. I will be following these posts by/of Dr. Angela Dijanic. She is a gift to humanity. My heartfelt [and soulful] thoughts to her on her tremendous loss of her son Arthur.

    1. Thank you for your kind and supportive words and thoughts Louise. I have found myself on this very difficult journey trying to convey a message that is not always met with warm approval. It is refreshing to find a kindred spirit who gets what I am trying to say! I appreciate you having the patience to put up with my ramblings as I myself try to figure it all out.

      1. You are more than welcome Angie. I have bought your book and am very keen to read its entirety. Your words are not ramblings, they are truly appreciated and understood. Your perceptions and ideas are very clear to me. Wishing you all the very best.

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