
Mike Adams explains why heavy metals are so dangerous to human health: lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury


Mike Adams, founding editor of NaturalNews.com, has just posted a very informative new video which explains why heavy metals are so toxic to human health and what it means for our society.

Take the time to watch it, share it and bookmark for future reference. You already know there are a lot of things wrong on this planet and you know health issues are a big part of the problem… Mike connects the dots here. 

The video covers the toxicity of:

  • Aluminum – toxic to brain. Although naturally present at lower levels in most foods, in high concentration or in non-food form, Aluminum is linked to Alzheimer's and dementia.
  • Arsenic – causes DNA damage and cancer. Considered extremely toxic by the EPA, Arsenic is linked to cancer when found in well water.
  • Cadmium – kidney damage, hardening of the arteries. A highly toxic heavy metal that causes severe kidney damage and skin disorders.
  • Copper – can make you crazy. Exposure to this heavy metal is cumulative, and it accumulates in brain tissue, causing schizophrenia and mental insanity.
  • Lead – Known to cause lowered IQs and other cognitive disorders, lead has become a common pollutant in many foods, including organic foods and superfoods. Lead is extremely difficult to remove from the body's tissues once absorbed, and the number of edible substances that can protect against lead is quite small. Removal of lead from the diet will frequently result in a heightened increase in IQ, memory and improved moods.
  • Mercury –  A potent neurotoxin, mercury has the highest toxicity of any heavy metal on a gram-per-gram basis. Mercury is known to cause permanent neurological damage, kidney damage, infertility and birth defects. It doesn't stay in blood for long, preferring to make its way into organs and tissues where it adheres to cell membranes and interferes with healthy cellular function.

You'll learn many astonishing facts about where toxic heavy metals come from, which organs they tend to target, and even how heavy metals can cause personality changes in humans.

It's true: Copper toxicity can lead to mental instability and insanity, while cadmium toxicity can lead to an aggressive, "bullying" personality with frequent outbursts of anger.

"To help readers avoid heavy metals in their foods, we've begun posting food research results at Labs.NaturalNews.com, where hundreds of different foods, superfoods and nutritional products are in the process of being posted with their heavy metals composition analysis." (More results are being posted each week…)

Using this information, consumers can greatly reduce their intake of toxic heavy metals, thereby protecting their bodies from cumulative heavy metals toxicity.

YouTube video

Video courtesy of Natural News

Use this information to avoid metals that can harm you the most

People can also specifically seek to reduce specific metals that might target organs where they already have weakness or vulnerability. For example:

  • People with kidney disease should seek to drastically reduce cadmium intake.
  • People with cancer should drastically reduce arsenic intake.
  • People with mental health issues should drastically reduce copper intake.
  • People with cognitive disorders or depression should drastically reduce lead intake.
  • People with Alzheimer's or dementia should drastically reduce aluminum intake.​​

Learn more @ Labs.NaturalNews.com

Source: Natural News


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