
Solar monitors offline!



We believe that solarwatchers noticed all main solar monitors like SOHO and SDO are down. They are offline and you cannot access any data. For now, we still don’t have any official information why is it so, but stay tuned, we’ll be back with more info!

SOHO is down.

SDO is down too…

SDAC site down as well…

STEREO A and STEREO B are down.

helioviewer.org is DOWN!

For now, all the sites are still down, but you can watch SDO/AIA images in near-real time on Belgium site: http://sdodata.oma.be/latest/

UPDATE: GOES data are online and SDO is back again

UPDATE:  SOHO EIT is in keyhole! SOHO has “keyhole periods”, occurring twice per orbit. Each orbit around L1 takes about half a year, so keyholes affect SOHO operations roughly every 3 months. Next keyhole is scheduled for July 13(more)


There is DARK HOLE IN THE SUN’S ATMOSPHERE: Ultraviolet telescopes onboard NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory are monitoring a vast dark hole – a “coronal hole” – in the sun’s upper atmosphere reports SpaceWeather.com.. It has just turned directly toward Earth.

There are reports of massive power outage on the East Coast. The Friday’s storm caused massive power outage in Goddard and thousands of downed trees from very high winds. There were casualties.

Power outage at Goddard! Any data coming through Goddard will not be available for an undetermined amount of time. The metro DC/Baltimore areas are experiencing mass power outages including NASA/Goddard.

NOAA/SWPC reports >>>Potential Impacts: Area of impact primarily poleward of 65 degrees Geomagnetic Latitude.
Induced Currents – Weak power grid fluctuations can occur.

@solarwatch Clarification – SDO and SOHO are not down. Perhaps the web servers at Goddard are. Getting data from SDO.


Also EarthObservatory and MODIS are down


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  1. ABOUT CORONAL HOLES ( JULY- 02- 2012)- scientific knowledge and own observations/ written by: alien-homepage

    Doubhtlessly , a still unoverseeable amount of new insights in nuclear processes on Sun was unrevealed since the first satellite based solar observatory were louched in space in the late 90th, those likely might give an anwser to all remaing questions in astrophsysics soon (the first was SoHO- all later solar obervatories derived form its concept ) Among it by its equipment that allows to watch the Heliosphere in all wavelentghes these satellites also detected darker areas forming out towards the 11 years cycle peak, believed to be areas with lower density of sun gases in the upper heiosphere , socalled ” Coronal Holes” (CH) .The satellites also measured from time to time socalled high speed solar wind streams with velocities up to 1000 km/ s emmitting from these CHs ( especially resp generally only from that moment on when the CH begin to close and dissapear again) . These sunwind streams circle in giant magnetic loops those build up above CHS first towards wide put in space ( wider than thne earth) and are pulled back later towards the Sun (> recurrent solar winds)streams In the meantime, theories about CNs were more and more specified. Now its believed that similar shaped layers of denser sun matter ( produced by the fusion processes inside the sun) those may consist out of anything from alpha particles to helium up to Carbon-ions beneath the visible dark CH areas are responsible for the forming of coronal Holes above.
    As denser matter also produces more magnetic gravitation these CHs pulle gases above towards them while the convecting plasma gases and photons below these layers find stronger restistance and therefor begin to built an increasingly high pressure before they finally penetrate or brust through the coronal hole . THis then produces principally magnetic loops those not only reach out some distance above the surface but reach wide into space until the Earth . If the CH becomes Earth facing these magnetic loops disturb and mix up the geomagnetic field ( geomoagnetic storms)as well as solar winds in incoming CMEs around it as just visible from CH 521. These loops also produce fainttypes of ( almost invisible) prominences, solar winds streams those are atrrackted transported and accelerated along these loops towards the earth and then backwards to the Sun ( Recurrent wind streams) After a while, when the pressure sun gases below the CH become strong enough to penetrate the CH ( sometimes just kind of burning holes inside or in strong filament eruptions) the CH seems to close again, resp visibly fades again from the surface. but more than the half of CHs then reappear again at least over several solar rotation periods ( sinodic: 27.25 days) on the same corordinates and even with almost the same shape as before giving reason for the idea that something within the sun might have at least a temporarily stable form. I have not completed these comparations for a longer period than 6 month yet,but read in a NASA article that several CHs ( but also some sunspots and ARs ) were even observed again on the same coordinates at least during one or two following cycles11/ 22 years later. uncorrected ahp.

  2. The lightning anomalies are the result of HAARP and the governments using this technology as weapons of mass destruction.

    They have turned it on humanity…and can evade responsibility by blaming mother nature.

    CMEs…while the sun is in a Solar Maximum period, Planet X is affecting our polarity, weather patterns, solar anomalies, animal die-offs.

    The elite is lying and hiding the evidence of Planet X…but the truth will out very soon.

  3. I live near Goddard. The storm that passed thru Friday left most of us without power (about 1M in MD/DC). It was not caused by air conditioning overload. It was caused by thousands of downed trees from very high winds. There were casualties. I have not spoken with anyone at NASA, but it’s a good bet that they did not escape the damage.

      1. GOES data are online an show no larger eruption or any x- ray burst on the Sun today ) C class only=
        Incredible storms and thunderstorms
        In germany two lightenings striking just two meter beside each other have killed three women hiding in a hut on a gulf place. The lightening left no big traces on the hut itself but might have had an extreme high voltage.
        15 visitors were injured, some of the ” thrown through the air” when another lightening struck on < festival site in Germany yesterday
        remember last month one single lightening killed some like 10 people in India . Last year another lightening killed 14 deers at once on yany meadow in Germany.
        Experts howver by and by begin to wonder:

        Just remember,. many people have not noticed that we had on June 16/ 17 a very rare CME cor impact ) this is a dense dipolar "fireball" of Sun plasma right in the middle of the expanding CME funnel.
        This core can either impact with its positiv or with its negative charged side ahead resp first.. If the protons and alpha particles arrive first ( as it was the case on June 16/17, the electron load of geomagnetic field CANNOT reject or deflect the most of the CME The CME on JUne 16/17 impacted fully with protons effect lasting for days followed by electron flux above 1000 MEV lasting alone until JUne 28.

        These thinderstoprms are just a part of the long lasting effects of this CME.

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