Fibonacci alignments of the Azores Pyramid & submerged city of Poseida

Fibonacci alignments of the Azores Pyramid & submerged city of Poseida

An impressive new discovery in the Azores Islands occurred in early May 2013, and was announced to worldwide media coverage on September 19th. This unusual discovery took place by sheer accident. When local yachtsman Diocleciano Silva was deep-sea fishing between

"History and Theory of Electricity" – By Eric P. Dollard

"History and Theory of Electricity" – By Eric P. Dollard

The following presentation was made by famous electrical engineer Eric P. Dollard at the Tesla Society around 2007. He is considered by many to be the most knowledgeable expert alive today on the true nature of electricity.

Eric Dollard is author

Highlights of The Electric Universe Theory

Highlights of The Electric Universe Theory

The “Electric Universe” is a hypothesis, a new way of interpreting scientific data in the light of new knowledge about plasma and electricity. In this interpretation, gravity plays a secondary role behind the far more powerful electric force, and electrified plasma in