Geomagnetic storm subsiding, expecting more CMEs

Geomagnetic storm subsiding, expecting more CMEs

The first of several CMEs en route to Earth struck our planet’s magnetic field on Sept. 9th around 1130UT. The impact sparked a strong (Kp=7) geomagnetic storm, which is now subsiding. Last night Northern Lights were spotted in the United States as far south

Spacecraft sees solar storm engulf Earth

Spacecraft sees solar storm engulf Earth

For the first time, a spacecraft far from Earth has turned and watched a solar storm engulf our planet. The movie, released today during a NASA press conference, has galvanized solar physicists, who say it could lead to important advances in space weather forecasting.

Another M-class solar flare

Another M-class solar flare

A second M-Class flare, this time a M2.5 took place at 03:54 UTC Tuesday morning around Sunspot 1263. This is in addition to the earlier M3.5 flare which we reported yesterday. The first flare produced a small, but fast moving (2010 km/s) Coronal Mass Ejection…

Ground-Based Lasers Vie With Satellites To Map Earth’s Magnetic Field

Ground-Based Lasers Vie With Satellites To Map Earth’s Magnetic Field

Mapping the Earth’s magnetic field – to find oil, track storms or probe the planet’s interior – typically requires expensive satellites. University of California, Berkeley, physicists have now come up with a much cheaper way to measure the Earth’s magnetic field

Space weather could wreak havoc in gadget-driven world

Space weather could wreak havoc in gadget-driven world

Advances in modern life have exposed humans to new weaknesses to space weather, which could disrupt communications, crash stock markets and cause months-long power outages, experts warned Saturday.Worst-case scenarios including scorched commercial satellites, GPS