Our sun had a twin when it was born, study

Our sun had a twin when it was born, study

According to a new analysis by a theoretical physicist from UC Berkley and a radio astronomer from the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory at Harvard University, our sun, as well as every other sunlike star in the universe, had a twin when it was born. Astronomers…

Model explains the formation of Stealth CMEs

Model explains the formation of Stealth CMEs

An international team of scientists has developed a model that simulates the evolution of Stealth CMEs, solar storms that puzzled scientists for their lack of typical warning signs as they seem to come from nowhere. Such computer models can help researchers better…

New model could help predict major earthquakes

New model could help predict major earthquakes

A Nagoya University-led team reveals the mechanisms behind different earthquakes at a plate boundary on the west coast of South America, shedding light on historical seismic events and potentially aiding prediction of the future risk from these natural disasters….

New insights into how eruptions occur on the Sun

New insights into how eruptions occur on the Sun

Scientists have gained new insights into how eruptions occur on the Sun and, through 3-D computer simulation, identified a universal process that explains eruptions of every size, from tapered jets to massive explosions of solar material and energy. In a new study…

How Little Ice Age displaced the tropical rain belt

How Little Ice Age displaced the tropical rain belt

In the most comprehensive reconstruction of rainfall patterns within the Intertropical Convergence Zone for the past 2000 years, a team of researchers led by ETH Zurich describe how even small changes in global temperature can trigger a migration of the tropical…

New data show heliosphere is nearly round and symmetrical

New data show heliosphere is nearly round and symmetrical

New data covering an entire 11-year solar activity cycle suggest that Sun and planets in our solar system are surrounded by a giant, spherical system of magnetic field from the Sun, calling into question the current view of the solar magnetic fields trailing behind…