Draconid meteor shower peaks tonight

Draconid meteor shower peaks tonight

The annual Draconid meteor shower will peak overnight on October 7 and 8. Last quarter Moon on October 8 makes this quite a favourable year, as the Moon rises in late evening for the many northern hemisphere locations from where the Draconid radiant is circumpolar.

Magnificient outburst of Draconid meteor shower

Magnificient outburst of Draconid meteor shower

According to worldwide observers reporting to the International Meteor Organization, there was indeed an outburst of Draconid meteors on October 8th. Preliminary counts suggest a peak rate of 660 meteors per hour at 2010 UT (4:10 pm EDT).Most Draconids in the

International Observe the Moon Night (October 8, 2011)

Most of us space-minded folks don’t need an excuse to gaze upon the brightest object in the night sky – our own Moon. But just in case you need a reason or are hoping to convince some friends or family to take a look with you, there’s a special event coming up