Google buys surveillance drone company Titan Aerospace

Google buys surveillance drone company Titan Aerospace

It's official: Google is no longer "just another media company." Or search engine, for sure.No, Google has transformed itself into a bona fide technology company, one that boasts robotics and now drones.The tech giant recently purchased a manufacturer of s

LADEE ends its mission with stunning 80 Mbps laser transmission from Moon

LADEE ends its mission with stunning 80 Mbps laser transmission from Moon

NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer, or LADEE, ended its mission last week with a planned impact on the Moon but just before the impact it performed another successful laser communication with ESA's ground station at a stunning s

Inducing rain and lightning with high-energy laser beams

Inducing rain and lightning with high-energy laser beams

Researchers at the University of Central Florida’s College of Optics & Photonics and the University of Arizona are developing a new technique to aim a high-energy laser beam into clouds to make it rain or trigger lightning.They are surrounding one bea

Stanford developed game controller that can sense players’ emotions

Stanford developed game controller that can sense players’ emotions

Stanford engineers have developed what could be the next big thing in interactive gaming: handheld game controllers that measure the player's physiology and alter the gameplay to make it more engaging.The prototype controller was born from research conducted in

A breakthrough in creating invisibility cloaks, stealth technology

A breakthrough in creating invisibility cloaks, stealth technology

Controlling and bending light around an object so it appears invisible to the naked eye is the theory behind fictional invisibility cloaks.

It may seem easy in Hollywood movies, but is hard to create in real life because no material in nature has the properties

High-tech materials purify water with sunlight

High-tech materials purify water with sunlight

Sunlight plus a common titanium pigment might be the secret recipe for ridding pharmaceuticals, pesticides and other potentially harmful pollutants from drinking water. Scientists combined several high-tech components to make an easy-to-use water purifier that could

Duke engineers build world’s first 3D acoustic cloaking device

Duke engineers build world’s first 3D acoustic cloaking device

Using little more than a few perforated sheets of plastic and a staggering amount of number crunching, Duke engineers have demonstrated the world’s first three-dimensional acoustic cloak. The new device reroutes sound waves to create the impression that both the

China tests anti-smog drone aircraft

China tests anti-smog drone aircraft

In an important step toward tackling with overwhelming air pollution China tested domestically-produced drone aircraft designed to disperse smog on Saturday, March 8, 2014. This unmanned aircraft helps disperse smog by spraying chemicals that freeze pollutants and

Artificial leaf jumps developmental hurdle

Artificial leaf jumps developmental hurdle

In a recent early online edition of Nature Chemistry, ASU scientists, along with colleagues at Argonne National Laboratory, have reported advances toward perfecting a functional artificial leaf.

Designing an artificial leaf that uses solar energy to convert