Geomagnetic storm warning!

Geomagnetic storm warning!

A fast-moving stream of solar wind is buffeting Earth’s magnetic field. The combined effect of this stream plus a CME expected to arrive soon has prompted NOAA forecasters to declare a 30% to 35% chance of geomagnetic storms on June 23-24. High-latitude sky watchers

Impact of solstice solar flare is expected on June 24th

Impact of solstice solar flare is expected on June 24th

A CME propelled toward Earth by the “solstice solar flare” of June 21st may be moving slower than originally thought. Analysts at the GSFC Space Weather Lab have downgraded the cloud’s probable speed from 800 km/s to 650 km/s. Impact is now expected on June 24th at

Incoming solar flare, expecting geomagnetic storm

Incoming solar flare, expecting geomagnetic storm

Magnetic fields above sunspot complex 1236 erupted during the early hours of June 21st, producing a C7-class solar flare and a full-halo CME. The expanding cloud appears to be heading almost directly toward

M1.3 solar flare produced, CME expected on June 17

M1.3 solar flare produced, CME expected on June 17

On June 14th around 08:10 UTC, a magnetic filament near the sun's eastern limb became unstable and erupted. The resulting blast hurled a bright and massive CME into space. The expanding cloud was observed by 3 spacecraft: STEREO-A, STEREO-B and SOHO. Researchers…

M2.5 solar flare, CME expected on June 9 and 10

M2.5 solar flare, CME expected on June 9 and 10

On June 7th at 0641 UT, magnetic fields above sunspot complex 1226-1227 became unstable and erupted. The resulting blast produced an M2-class solar flare, an S1-class radiation storm, and an unbelievable movie:Much of the plasma thrown up by the blast simply fell

Spectacular eruption on the Sun – M2-class solar flare

Spectacular eruption on the Sun – M2-class solar flare

At 06:41 UTC today the Sun unleashed an M2-class solar flare from arround the sunspot complex 1226-1227. Substantial Coronal Mass Ejection was observed and was visually spectacular. The large cloud of particles mushroomed up and fell back down looking as if it

A sharp gust of solar wind hit Earth’s magnetic field

A sharp gust of solar wind hit Earth’s magnetic field

A sharp gust of solar wind hit Earth's magnetic field at approximately 20:30 UTC on June 4, 2011. High-latitude sky watchers in both hemispheres should be alert for auroras. Solar windspeed: 495.9 km/secdensity: 2.6 protons/cm3 Planetary K-indexNow: Kp= 5…

Moderate geomagnetic storm is in progress

Moderate geomagnetic storm is in progress

A solar wind stream is buffeting Earth’s magnetic field, sparking Southern Lights around the Antarctic Circle. Ian Stewart sends this picture to from a jetty near Hobart, Tasmania:”Not long after sunset a friend rang to ask whether a faint arc of